Photographer: Anna Nilsen

Italy-Sweden bilateral workshop on smart sensor technologies and applications

In this workshop, jointly organised by the Embassy of Italy to Sweden and Linköping University, we will explore new trends, latest breakthroughs, and future perspectives on smart sensor technologies for Real World applications with high societal impact.

We will bring together researchers and entrepreneurs from academia, research centers, and industry operating in Sweden or Italy and working on innovative and application-oriented devices, materials, methodologies, processes, and strategies with focus on health, life sciences, agri-food, sounds, and sustainability. Participants from funding agencies, government institutions, and innovation hotspots will add valuable insights to the scientific discussion. 

The aim of the workshop is to offer networking opportunities and encourage the creation of a strong multi-sector, and multidisciplinary platform of experts who may share ideas, scientific results, and business strategies to accelerate solutions, drive innovation and build healthier and more sustainable societies.

The event will host a roundtable on Sensoristics: a World of Technologies and Applications for a Sustainable Future to discuss ideas, opportunities, strategies, strengthen existing bilateral cooperations and stimulate new collaborations, partnership programs and competitive international initiatives. 

How to get here

Linköping is located in southern Sweden, about 200 km south of Stockholm. Airports well connected to Linköping by train (SJ) or bus (Flixbus, Bus4you) are Stockholm Arlanda, Copenhagen Kastrup or Gothenburg Landvetter. Linköping City Airport only connects with Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.


You are welcome to join us by filling out the registration form.

The number of seats is limited. Registration will be confirmed on a first-come first-served basis.


Day 1

Place: Meeting Room Kronan, Studenthuset, Linköping University, Campus Valla

11:30 – 12:45 Registration and Lunch (Studenthuset)

12:45 – 13:05 Welcome & Opening
Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, Vice-Chancellor, Linköping University
Augusto Marcelli, Science Attaché, Embassy of Italy in Stockholm

13:05 – 13:30 Edwin Jager, Linköping University
Electroactive polymer actuators from wearable haptic devices to micromechanical stimulation of cells

13:30 – 13:55 Costanza Toninelli, CNR-INO Italian National Institute of Optics, Florence
Single molecules detection for enhanced sensing and quantum technologies

13:55 – 14:15 Coffee break

14:15 – 14:40 Jens Eriksson, Linköping University and VOC Diagnostics AB
Yes, we will! Make an impact through DeepTech transformation of cancer diagnostics

14:40 – 15:05 Antonio Ciarlo, Gothenburg University
miniTweezers2.0: smart optical tweezers for health and life sciences

15:05 – 15:25 Niclas Roxhed, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Patient-centric sampling is the enabler for future diagnostics

Closing 1st day

15:45 LiU Campusbussen from Universitetet to CMIV at Campus US (US Södra Entrén) - Transfer by bus

16:20 – 17:50 Visit at the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV)

17:50 – 18:10 Walking to the City Hall (1.5 km, ~20 min)

18:10 – 19:30 Reception at the City Hall

20:00 Dinner

Day 2

Place: Meeting Room Kronan, Studenthuset, Linköping University, Campus Valla

9:00 – 9:15 Welcome & Opening
H.E. Michele Pala, Ambassador of Italy to Sweden

9:15 – 9:40 Lorenza Ferrario, FBK Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento
Acting as an Open Nanofabrication Facility, the FBK experience

9:40 – 10:05 Roberto Bresin, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Sound and music as a source of innovation

10:05 – 10:30 Massimo Basile, Wsense srl, Rome
Digitization of subsea infrastructures using the “Internet of Underwater Things”

10:30 – 10:55 Davide Esposito, Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa
Devices for inclusion: science and technology

10:55 – 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 – 11:40 Barbara Fabbri, University of Ferrara
Metal-oxide gas sensors: current advances in science and technology to meet challenges

11:40 – 12:05 Qin Wang, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Graphene and graphene-based hybrids for bio/chemical and industrial sensing applications

12:05 – 12:30 Maria Rosaria Plutino, CNR Italian National Research Council, Messina
Smart and innovative multifunctional materials: from design and synthesis to sustainable applications

12:30 – 13:45 Lunch (Universitetsklubben)

13:45 – 14:05 Domenico Caputo, Sapienza University, Rome
Thin and thick film technologies for smart and eco-friendly sensors and systems

14:05 – 14:30 Yang Liu, Linköping University
Sustainable smart manufacturing: Current reality and future prospects

14:30 – 14:55 Olof Kordina, Xtal-works, Vikingstad
Building bridges boosts businesses

14:55 – 15:15 Coffee break

15:15 – 17:00 Roundtable
Sensoristics: a world of technologies and applications for a sustainable future

17:00 Final and closing remarks

Download programme in pdf format here.

Workshop organisation

This workshop is organised by:

logotype of the Italian embassy for Sweden

The City of Linköping and the Linköping Science Park will contribute to the event.