1. Stefan Gustafson, Varieties of reading disability.
2. Anna Lundqvist, Cognitive functions in drivers with brain injury: Anticipation and adaptation.
4. Carin Fredriksson, Att lära sig leva med förvärvad hörselnedsättning sett ur par-perspektiv.
5. Gunnar Lundberg, Sign, Symptoms and Disability Related to the Musculo-Skeletal System.
6. Anette Kjellberg, Participation: Ideology and Everyday Life.
7. Marie Gustavsson Holmström, Föräldrar med funktionshinder: Om barn, föräldraskap och familjeliv.
8. Kersti Samuelsson, Active wheelchair use in daily life.
10. Per-Olof Bergemalm, Audiological and cognitive long-term sequelae from closed head injury.
11. Martin Molin, Att vara i särklass: Om delaktighet och utanförskap i gymnasiesärskolan.
14. Mathias Hällgren, Hearing and cognition in speech comprehension: Methods and applications.
16. Ingrid Thyberg, Disease and disability in early rhematoid arthritis.
22. Gunvor Larsson Abbad, Aspergern det är jag: En intervjustudie om att leva med Aspergers syndrom.
23. Anna Levén, Postponed plans: Prospective Memory and Intellectual Disability.
26. Kerstin Möller, Impact on participation and service for persons with deafblindness.
30. Malin Wass, Children with Cochlear Implants: Cognition and Reading Ability.
32. Emelie Rydberg, Deaf people and the labour market in Sweden: Education - Employment - Economy.
40. Vendela Zetterqvist, Tinnitus – an acceptance-based approach.
41. Nina Klang, Applicability of the ICF-CY to describe functioning and environment of children with disabilities.
44. Ylva Dahlin-Redfors, Otosclerosis - clinical long-term perspectives.
45. Hugo Hesser, Tinnitus in Context: A Contemporary Contextual Behavioral Approach.
46. Traci Flynn, Hearing and middle ear status in children and young adults with cleft palate.
49. Selina Mårdh, Kognitiv erosion och dess betydelse vid Alzheimers sjukdom.
53. Elaine Ng, Cognition in Hearing Aid Users: Memory for Everyday Speech.
55. Patrik Arvidsson, Assessment of participation in people with a mild intellectual disability.
56. Elin Hultman, Barnperspektiv i barnavårdsutredningar: med barns hälsa och upplevelser i fokus.
58. Sushmit Mishra, Exploring Cognitive Spare Capacity: Executive Processing of Degraded Speech.
62. Ulrika Löfkvist, Lexical and semantic development in children with cochlear implants.
65. Håkan Hua, Employees with Aided Hearing Impairment: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.
66. Lina Magnusson, Prosthetic and Orthotic Services in Developing Countries.
67. Josefine Andin, Dealing with Digits: Arithmetic, Memory and Phonology in Deaf Signers.
68. Shahram Moradi, Time is of the essence in speech perception: Get it fast or think about it.
69. Birgitta Thorslund, Effects of hearing loss on traffic safety and mobility.
76. Moa Wahlqvist, Health and People with Usher syndrome.
81. Eline Borch Petersen, Neural and Cognitive Effects of Hearing Loss on Speech Processing.
84. Milijana Malmberg, Aural rehabilitation programs for hearing aid users. Evaluating and clinically applying educational programs, supported via telephone
and/or the internet and professionally guided by an audiologist.
87. Antonia Pavli, Creative disability classification systems: The case of Greece, 1990-2015.
88. Ej utgiven.
95. Elisabeth Ingo, Climbing up the hearing rehabilitation ladder.
98. Helena Stålnacke, Fonologisk utveckling hos barn med otitbenägenhet.
99. Mattias Ehn, Life Strategies, Work and Health in People with Usher Syndrome.
105. Satu Turunen-Taheri, Adult patients with severe-to-profound hearing impairment. A clinical, register-based, and interview study.
106. Elin Lundin, Older adults with Dual Sensory Loss: Prevalence, Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Services.
107. Rina Blomberg, Auditory Distraction in ADHD: From Behaviour to the Brain.
109. Susann Arnell. Participation in physical activity among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder – the perspectives of adolescents, parents and professionals.
113. Frida Åström. Everyday Life in Preschool - Swedish and International Approaches,
114. Andrea Ritosa. Measurement of Child Engagement in Early Childhood Education and Care.