French: Language and professional communication, level B1, 7.5 credits

Spring 2024, One-quarter-time, Distance

French: Language and professional communication, level B1, 7.5 credits

Autumn 2024, One-quarter-time, Distance

This course is designed for you who are interested in working or studying internationally or who are already active in international professional contexts and want to improve your ability to communicate within your professional field in the language you have chosen.

The focus is on continuous training in communicating effectively in the target language. You will practice your communication skills through oral and written presentations, discussions, conversations and through the writing of reports. The course is at level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

The course is open to those who have completed upper-secondary/high-school education comprising at least step 3 or alternatively have language skills corresponding to A2 according to the common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

The aim of the course is to prepare you for further studies and professional activities in the target language. The course is given in two ways: as a distance-education course without any physical meetings on campus, and as a regular campus-based course. To a large extent, the teaching consists of individual tutoring and feedback on course assignments, as well as seminar meetings and also pre-recorded lectures. The starting point consists of realistic content in the form of simulated and authentic language situations that will hands-on practice for future activities in the target language.

The course is part of Professional Languages at Linköping University. There is a continuation course available in the form of a B2 course.