Research that makes a difference
What makes Linköping University special is our world-leading research environments and companies. In addition to scientific matters we address issues where the results can benefit all of society.
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A message from the Vice-Chancellor
50 years of achievements
LiU celebrates 50 years as a university! Join Vice-Chancellor Jan-Ingvar Jönsson on a deep dive into the university’s archives and a look ahead to the coming years. With the power of nearly 45,000 students and co-workers, we continue to think freely and innovate.
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The drivers of progress
Research initiatives
Strategic research areas
The strategic research areas (SRAs) are an initiative of the Swedish government to foster world-leading research in Sweden, in selected areas. Linköping University receives funding in five of the designated research areas, and in three of these Linköping University is the main applicant. In addition, LiU researchers participate actively in the fields of e-science and transport research.