Emergencies and safety at Linköping University

Security and organisation

Safety work

In emergency situations, ring 112.

The aim of safety work at Linköping University is to create a secure and safe environment for students, employees and visitors. The university works continuously with preventing and dealing with undesirable incidents such as fires, break-ins, cyber attacks, violence and threats.

Safety work at LiU takes the form of a network in which the university’s security manager is responsible for ensuring that there is a safety structure in place. The security manager also works closely together with those who have various safety-related responsibilities at LiU.

Use of LiU’s premises

Everybody who visits LiU’s campuses, regardless of whether they are a student or a co-worker, must follow the rules for use of LiU’s premises. For example, you are not allowed to use scooters inside (apart from those intended for use in underpasses or similar structures), hang up posters in spaces that are not intended to act as noticeboards, drive a car on Corson (the long road in the middle of Campus Valla), or climb on the roofs or outside walls of buildings, etc.

LiU works together with landlords, municipalities and other relevant actors in order to promote good security on our various campuses.

If you have safety questions, contact LiU’s security manager.

Campus security services

The campus security services are available 24/7 on all our campuses and can be contacted in the event of, for example, being locked out or having discovered an emergency, ongoing break-in or vandalism.

Phone number for campus security services:

+46 13 28 58 88

LiU’s campus security services are trained in first aid and have access to defibrillators, so they can also assist in emergency situations. Note that there is a specific, priority phone number that can be used if you need to gain access to a defibrillator.

Telephone for defibrillator:

+46 13 28 20 10 (Campus Valla)

+46 11 36 30 10 (Campus Norrköping)

Information for LiU students

Are you a student?

In that case, you can find safety information on Liunet for students (requires login)

Information for employees at LiU

Are you employed at Linköping University?

In that case, you can find safety information on Liunet for employees (requires login)

Laboratory Safety