Fill in the form below or contact us at the Info Centre by phone or visit us.
Telephone +46 13 281000.
Fill in the form below or contact us at the Info Centre by phone or visit us.
Telephone +46 13 281000.
Telephone: +46 13 281000, Monday-Friday 8.00-16.30.
Telephone: 8.00-14.30
Infocenter Campus Valla: 9.00-14.00
Infocenter Campus US: 9.00-12.00
Infocenter Campus Norrköping: 9.00-12.00
Visiting address: D Building, Entrance 31, Campus Valla
Opening hours, Mon-Fri (closed on public holidays): 9.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00 (with reservation for changes)
Opening hours day before public holiday and during the summer period (approximately June to mid-August): 9.00-12.00
The registrar (among other duties) registers documents that arrive at LiU or are created here. The registrar also deals with enquiries for documents and information available to the general public.
Invoicing address, banking information
Interactive map (LiU's map service Mazemap)