Employee benefits

We want to be an attractive employer.
Therefore, employees at LiU have access to several staff benefits and types of insurance.

Three of our benefits


We give employees a tax-free amount of a maximum value of SEK 2,500 per calendar year to purchase preventive health care.


We have academic career development, different leadership programmes and exchange possibilities for staff abroad.


We remunerate employees for the costs of prescription medicines up to the high-cost threshold. 

All benefits


Preventive healthcare

Linköping University aspires to be an attractive workplace where the well-being and health of the co-workers are important elements. Employees are offered a tax-free amount of a maximum value of SEK 2,500 per calendar year to purchase preventive health care.

Lifestyle tests

Several internet-based lifestyle tests are available to enable co-workers to easily gain information about their health choices, and receive personal advice based on the answers. If necessary, detailed advice and tools can be used to support changes.

Pause exercises

LiU offers all co-workers a computer-based programme of pause exercises designed to prevent stiffness in the muscles of the neck, back and shoulders for those who spend a lot of time at a computer.

Costs for medicines

We remunerate employees for the costs of prescription medicines up to the high-cost threshold.

Skills development and career pathways

Management and leadership

The management programme must be taken by all managers with responsibility for personnel issues. The aim of the programme is to give managers education in the role of employer. Managers are also to develop personal leadership in order to be able to contribute to improving LiU’s operations. The role of manager is to be experienced as meaningful, manageable and comprehensible, while the university at the same time wants to make clear the expectations for leadership, and contribute to creating clarity in the duties of a leader. For those who are curious about what it means to be a leader at LiU, we offer the “Nyfiken på ledarskap” programme, which gives an introduction to what it means to have a leadership role here.

Academic career pathways

Our academic career pathways provide the opportunity to apply for promotion to a higher level of teacher employment.

Career development

Career development for administrative and technical personnel focuses on language, communication, intercultural communication, group development and expertise in the systems used at LiU. Specialists in several areas develop and deepen their expertise within their specific areas.

Doctoral student development programme

Our aim is to reinforce and support doctoral students to lead themselves and manage performance demands. Also to provide the opportunity to make contacts and exchange experiences with other doctoral students.

Read more about our doctoral student development programme

Professional staff training abroad

All staff at Linköping University can apply for professional development and further training abroad to broaden their teaching skills, take language courses, arrange study visits or attend an Erasmus staff week with prearranged programmes on different topics. There are great opportunities for staff members to apply for funding to undertake international visits through the Linköping University partner exchange agreements. The University has 400 partner such agreements with universities in 50 countries.

Read more about our staff training abroad

I have acquired tools and insights into how I can critically evaluate my work and life situation, and how I can work to improve it.
These are the words of a previous participant in a development programme for PhD students.

Paid leave


Government employees have the right to paid holiday during the first year of employment. The holiday entitlement depends on age:

  • Up to and including the year of the 29th birthday – 28 days
  • With effect from the year of the 30th birthday – 31 days
  • With effect from the year of the 40th birthday – 35 days

Bank holidays and other free days

On the day before certain bank holidays, the ordinary working hours are reduced by 2-4 hours. If what would otherwise have been a working day falls between two free days, one of them being a bank holiday, it is free (for technical and administrative personnel). The working hours agreement that we have is favourable with respect to the opportunity to take flexitime and to deviate from normal working hours, and the annual full-time equivalent hours is also low.

Paid leave

Employees may take paid leave for visits to the doctor, occupational healthcare service, chiropractor, physiotherapist, naprapat, psychiatrist/psychologist/psychotherapist, maternity healthcare clinic, and other instances. Certain expenses and/or paid leave may be granted when moving house. We also have a favourable agreement governing parental leave, which means that we can receive 10% as parental salary for a period of 1 year.


All employees at LiU are covered by several insurance policies:

  • Occupational injury insurance covers occupational injury or illness that arises as a consequence of accident or that in another way is caused by work.
  • Personal injury insurance provides compensation if you are injured at work in a manner that is classified as occupational injury.
  • Work-related travel insurance covers all domestic and international work-related travel. It is valid during the complete period of travel, including preparatory travel. When travelling abroad in service-related travel, you must always take a certificate issued by the travel insurance office at the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency.
  • Group life insurance provides financial protection for the policy holder’s spouse or partner and children in the event of the policy holder’s death. The money is paid as a tax-free lump sum. The insurance is valid as long as you remain a government employee.

Trygghetsstiftelsen – The Job Security Foundation

A person who has been continuously employed for at least two years can obtain help from the Job Security Foundation to find new employment and financial benefits, if the employment comes to an end. Becoming a client and the amount of remuneration paid (if any) depend on the duration and degree of the employment.


Your pension consists of several components: the national public pension paid by the Swedish Pensions Agency, and from LiU and any previous employers. The latter is in the form of an occupational pension, and it is managed by the National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV). You may also have a private pension. The various pension components are independent, and the total sum of the various components will be your final pension. You reach retirement age at the end of the month before your 65th birthday. Employees have the right to remain in employment, after agreement with the employer, to 69 years of age.

More information about the occupational pension paid to government employees is available at spv.se.

Salary sacrifice

We offer the opportunity to enter into an individual agreement for salary sacrifice relating to extra provisions for future pension. The sacrifice may take the form of refraining from using saved holiday or a regular monthly deduction from gross salary.

Partial pension

It is possible to apply for partial payment of pension if you are a member of PA 16 Division II, which is the case if you were born in 1987 or earlier.

If you were born in 1988 or later, you are a member of PA 16 Division I, and you have the opportunity to use “Kåpan flex”, which means that you can work reduced working hours from age 61 years. The maximum duration for the payment of partial pension is up to and including the month before employee’s 65th birthday. The employer takes the decision whether an employee has the right to take out partial pension.

Survivor’s pension

A survivor’s pension is money that can be paid to a spouse or partner and children younger than 20 years old following an employee’s death. A survivor’s pension is paid out monthly for under 6 years or until the month in which the deceased employee would have reached age 75 years.

Disability pension

If you receive sickness compensation or activity compensation from Försäkringskassan, you may have the right to extra remuneration from the National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV). This remuneration is called disability pension.