You finally received that positive result you’ve been waiting for and it’s time to prepare for some of the most exciting times of your life.
Don't forget to scroll to the end of the page to find all the information you need.
27 March Notification of Selection Results
published for master's programmes
27-31 March LiU International Scholarship application open
3 April Notification of Selection Results published for the bachelor's programme
11 April LiU International Scholarship recipients announced
15 May Deadline to pay your tuition fees (or to show proof of non-fee-payer-status, for example if you have a residence permit that expires prior to the start of the programme contact
LiU Arrival Days
Welcome to LiU
Further details for autumn 2025 will be published here: Welcome to LiU
Mandatory roll call & first day of class
You must attend roll-call. See your programme admitted web page for details. If failing to attend, you will lose your place.
Final year student
If you are in your final year when admitted you must upload your degree certificate and transcript of your last semester(s) both in original language and with an English translation to your Universityadmissions account as soon as possible. You have to do this before you graduate from LiU.
Once you have been admitted to Linköping University (LiU), there are many things to prepare for before departure whether you are relocating from overseas, across the border or from another province in Sweden.
What happens now? Well, let the fun and learning begin! Welcome to LiU & Sweden!
Once you have registered, you will find everything you need in one place, Liunet. Here you can book group rooms, keep track of the schedule, download software, find useful information about campus, read about what support LiU offers, how to apply to study abroad, what rights and responsibilities you have as a student, and loads of other practical information.
Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, Vice-Chancellor