Stories from LiU

Get to know Linköping University

Here we present a selection of stories about the exciting things that happen or have happened at Linköping University.

Read about electronic roses, the technology that protects the black rhino in Kenya, therapy online which gets more people help more quickly, the world's first student-managed training ward where students from different programmes work together, Oscar winning alumni and many other things.

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Electronic roses – a world first

LiU researchers in organic electronics were first in the world to insert electronics into a living plant. This opened up a completely new research field. In the future we might have a rose garden that supplies electricity to the household.

Pioneers in online therapy – helping more people, faster

Mental ill-health is a huge problem in Sweden – and the world. It afflicts individuals directly, but also societies, in the form of increased costs. New solutions are needed – and some of the answers can be found on the web.

The programme that can lead to an Oscar

LiU was first in Sweden to launch an innovative engineering programme in media technology. Many alumni are successful – six of them have even won Academy Awards.

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