Bo Sun, a 24-year old second year student from China, has a clear opinion on his Master program Electronic Engineering:
"This is exactly what I want to do" 

After a bachelor in Communication Engineering in China, Bo applied to many North European universities and eventually he enrolled at LiU. 

“Sweden’s strong industrial position was one of the reasons for me to accept LiU’s offer. The industry is very advanced here, just look at companies like Ericsson!”.

 This strong position influences the program directly. Many of Bo’s professors are also researchers at companies, this allows them to mix theory and ‘practical tricks’ when giving lectures. 

“Last semester we designed a computer chip ourselves. We had to do everything from the beginning to the end and eventually, the chips were even printed.”

The strong link between practice and theory is one of the assets of the program, according to Bo:

“The software we used to design the chips is the same software that companies like Intel use. If I would get a job at this company, I can start working immediately because I already know the software.”

Despite the international atmosphere in his program, the Swedish educational philosophy is still present: 

“I think this is the way education should be, it’s about improving your knowledge, not about simply passing tests.”

In a little more than half a year Bo has hopefully graduated. He hopes to get a job where he can improve and put the knowledge he has gained here at LiU to good use, he would also like to strengthen his connections in the field.

The whereabouts of this future job is not completely clear yet but a future here in Sweden might not be so bad:

I would like to find a job somewhere in Europe or to stay in Sweden. Now that I have gotten used to the cold, I love it here!
Bo Sun, Student at the Master's programme Electronic Engineering