08 October 2015

On 14-17 2015 June expertise in hearing research will gather in
Linköping for a conference on the importance of the brain when it comes to hearing.

Almost one million Swedes have some form of hearing impairment and the brain plays a great role in regards to hearing. One could say that one hears with the ears but listens with the brain. The third conference in cognitive hearing gathers 200 scientists from around the world to discuss the latest research in the field.

The Third International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication is held in Konsert och Kongress in Linköping on 14-17 June and focuses on what happens in the brain in difficult listening conditions, such as background noise, as well as how the cognitive functions of how the brain works.

“That we understand how listening works is very important. Not only because we scientists are learning more about the brain, but also to benefit health care services. This is important knowledge when you, for example, try out hearing aids,” says Jerker Rönnberg, professor of psychology, specialising in disability studies.

Those invited to speak include Bencie Woll, professor of sign language and deaf studies at University College London, and Arthur Wingfield, professor of psychology and cognitive neuroscience at Brandeis University in the United States.

The conference is split into a number of themes that takes up the latest in brain research, sign language, hearing aids, impact of aging, different measurement methods, and more. Moreover, there will be presentations of around a hundred posters, presentations of research results, in the intervals of the packed program.

Researchers - Cognitive hearing science