Small-scale solar electricity in buildings - power for change in energy systems and everyday life

Bild på solel. Picture on sun energy

The purpose of this project is to analyse how small-scale solar-electricity production could serve as the driving force for a more efficient and conscious use of electricity in Swedish small buildings, and thus contribute to the development of a sustainable energy system and a sustainable lifestyle. 

The project includes investigating the extent to which households develop strategies to increase the use of their own solar-electricity production and
how electricity use patterns change after the installation of a solar-cell system. We will also analyse how technological solutions can facilitate our own use and assess the benefit to the system of our own use of solar-electricity production. The project will quantify actual and potential changes by means of measurements and simulations. Additionally, households' regular weekday activities will be analysed, as will their understanding of and attitudes towards solar-cell technology before and after installation, as well as the incentives and impediments they experience. The project is cross-disciplinary.

The project will be carried out in collaboration with Uppsala University. Funding is provided by the Swedish Energy Agency

Researchers in the project