Since 2008, the breeding company Topigs Norsvin has been using CT (Computed tomography) scanning technology for data collection for its breeding work.

Pigs placed in the growth room,they have yellow individual numbers on their ears

The technology allows data to be obtained on live pigs and the routine measurements include carcass composition, such as size of cuts and presence of osteochondrosis. The aim is to be able to select the best breeding pigs for the breeding programme.

Over 1000 images are taken of each boar and a machine learning model has been trained to assess the images from the scan, something previously done manually and time consuming. Without the CT technology, the desired data can only be obtained on slaughtered pigs. The technology is used in the breeding company's boar testing centre, but its benefits are passed on to individual pig farmers through the use of semen on the farms that purchase this genetics.


Contact person

Sofie Johansson from Gård och Djurhälsan
Photo: Ebba Nordqvist

Gård och Djurhälsan

Sofie Johansson, Coordinator AO, Animal health and Welfare

Phone: 013- 24 48 49

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