Campus Development

Campus plans

A campus plan is a visionary document that sets out the long-term direction for the physical environment. The purpose of a campus plan is to create a common vision and to serve as a tool for communication, discussion and decision-making in the development of the physical environment for the university's various campuses.

The long-term nature of the plan means that it is open and flexible, with the possibility of adapting to a future we cannot yet foresee. The plan's task is to set out a visionary approach and is not a fixed plan to be followed. The campus plans have been developed in collaboration with property owners, municipalities and other stakeholders.

Campus plan Norrköping

The Campus Plan 2040 for Norrköping includes a concrete action plan with near-term activities as an appendix to the Campus Plan. The Campus Plan was developed by LiU in dialog with the business, students, existing property owners and Norrköping municipality and others.

Campus plan Valla

The Campus Plan for Campus Valla extends from 2018-2030 and has been developed in collaboration between LiU and Akademiska hus with the involvement of the university's neighbours and Linköping municipality.

Campus plan University Hospital Campus (US)

Work on developing a Campus Plan for Campus US is underway and is expected to be completed autumn 2025.

Campus Lidingö

The scope of Campus Lidingö is so limited that it can be managed within existing strategy forums without a formal campus Plan.

Campus plans in pdf-files

Our four campuses