A digital whiteboard increases the chances that nothing falls through the cracks. With the help of an app, employees can plan and carry out tasks, as well as being beneficial for new staff to be introduced.
Photo: Pexels
A digital whiteboard is placed in a suitable location in the barn. All employees have an app in their smartphone where they can record planned and performed tasks, note deviations, information about animals, diseases and treatment plans. This replaces a traditional whiteboard and post-it notes. The digital whiteboard also has language support and is currently available in Swedish, English, Romanian, Polish and Lithuanian.
The whiteboard thus makes it easier for employees from different countries to communicate with each other, thereby increasing the chances of nothing falling through the cracks. The system can also be an advantage when new staff are being introduced, weekly or monthly meetings are being planned and carried out, and for monitoring work done. Work becomes efficient when you can see the whiteboard on your phone and quickly find relevant information. Events such as treatments, animal health data or other observations can be recorded just as quickly.
A disadvantage can be the dependence on a smartphone and an app. Using your phone in the middle of a scrapyard with animals and manure can be problematic.