On the surface Sweden may look like any other country. Swedes do, of course, have a lot in common with people elsewhere, but there are also peculiar dimensions to life in Sweden. This course will help you unravel at least some of the outlandishness of Sweden by doing fieldwork. Topics could be: life careers, from youth to parenting to old age and beyond; expressions of Swedishness, multiculturality and subcultures; work and leisure, and the values of gardening and the wilderness. Does this sound familiar – or exotic? Well, exoticism is in the eye of the beholder, and you might find hidden dimensions that we are unaware of.

The course is also an introduction to anthropological fieldwork, the qualitative ethnographic research method that is characteristic of social and cultural anthropology. It’s a ‘hands on’ course that combines practice with theory. Guided by teachers, you will plan, carry out, and report an ethnographic project located in Linköping.

The course also aims to encourage you to reflect over the research process, and on questions of culture and national identity, based on the data you and the other participants create in Linköping.

Number of student places:

Course Syllabus 2017