He is being given the prize by Hörselforskningsfonden, the Hearing Research Fund, for his “path-breaking efforts for the hearing impaired through development of new hearing technology, particularly the first digital hearing aid, as well as pioneering research in hearing diagnostics – gifted with an interdisciplinary curiosity that has inspired both audiology staff and researchers.”
“Many people with hearing impairments should get help from technology much earlier in order to maintain a high quality of life,” said Professor Arlinger in an interview for Swedish Radio.
In Sweden alone, there are today approximately a half million people who use hearing aids.
The prize is SEK 100,000.
The Hearing Research Fund is run by Hörselskadades Riskförbund, the National Association for the Hearing Impaired, and support medical, behavioral scientific, and technical research into hearing impairments and the situation of the hearing impaired.
“Many people with hearing impairments should get help from technology much earlier in order to maintain a high quality of life,” said Professor Arlinger in an interview for Swedish Radio.
In Sweden alone, there are today approximately a half million people who use hearing aids.
The prize is SEK 100,000.
The Hearing Research Fund is run by Hörselskadades Riskförbund, the National Association for the Hearing Impaired, and support medical, behavioral scientific, and technical research into hearing impairments and the situation of the hearing impaired.