The NIR sensor technology has several applications, such as harvested grain, silage and slurry. The final analysis provides answers to the crop's content of, among other things, DM content, fibre, protein, ash and starch.
Photo: Ebba Nordqvist
Analysing the nutrient content of the crop or feed by NIR (near infrared reflectance) spectroscopy. The NIR sensor technology has several different applications where the differences are in the equipment, its capabilities and how it can be used. For example, the technology can be used for harvested grain, silage and slurry. The analysis technology is built into, for example, a hand-held scanner or can be mounted on a machine or implement such as a forage harvester, forage mixer, thresher or fertiliser spreader. Scanning a crop provides information on its nutritional values. The analysis provides answers to the crop's content of DM, fibre, protein, ash, starch, etc. A scanner on a machine can then adjust the cut length based on the crop's DM content and it is adjusted automatically.
The measurements are made in real time, which can, for example, make it possible to adjust the optimal dosage of silage additives. When spreading slurry, the product content is analysed both at filling and during spreading and the dosage of fertiliser or manure can be adjusted. The data collected can contribute to the planning of future plant nutrient application and land use or adjustment of the feed ration. The technology can also be used in a stand-alone laboratory unit to evaluate the nutritional quality of the crop and thus the possibility of adjusting the feed ration and feed doses. The price varies a lot, depending on the type of implement or machine the technology is installed in.