FLOX Robotics has great potential to reduce grazing damage in game-dense areas. The technology has combined AI and robotics to identify and move game using sound and light signals.
Photo: Pexels
FLOX robotics has combined AI and robotics to use drones and/or fixed devices equipped with sensors to identify wildlife, such as deer, wild boar and geese, and then use sound and/or light signals to move these animals away from fields and pastures. This technology has great potential to reduce grazing damage in wildlife-dense areas. It can also reduce the risk of, for example, soil or carcasses (deer faeces) ending up in harvested forage, thereby reducing the risk of diseases such as listeriosis and botulism in the animals that will then consume the feed. The drone could also be used to drive over the pasture to find the grazing animals.
The technology is now being developed in the hope that the same technique could be used to prevent wolf attacks on livestock.