Deepen your knowledge in cellular and molecular immunobiology and medical immunology. The course "Advanced Immunology" will teach you about the normal regulation of the immune system and how deviations in regulation can lead to disease.

Advanced Immunology, 7.5 credits

Autumn 2024, Half-time, Linköping

Closed and will not be opened for late application
Semester Autumn 2024
Place of study Linköping
Pace of study Half-time
Level Second cycle
Teaching form On-Campus
Education Time Day-time
Education Language English
Course offering id LIU-89079
Period 202445 - 202503
Number of Places 5

Specific requirements

  • Bachelor's degree in a major subject area with relevance for biomedical sciences, equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen with at least 90ECTS credits in the following subjects:
    -cell biology
    -molecular biology
    -gene technology

or similar.

  • English corresponding to the level of English in Swedish upper secondary education (Engelska 6)
    Exemption from Swedish


Tuition fees

SEK 23400 - NB: Applies only to students from outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland.

If you have questions about the course, contact us

Johanna Raffetseder


Course syllabus

After having completed the course, the student shall have acquired an advanced understandig of immunology. Particular emphasis is placed on molecular and cellular aspects of immunophysiology and pathophysiology. Furthermore, the course will also facilitate the understanding of mechanisms involved in the regulation and the functions of the immune system. The course is given during ten weeks at half time speed.