Photo of Rajendra Bhandari

Rajendra Bhandari



Prayon Joshi, Raize Adhikari, Rajendra Bhandari, Bibek Shrestha, Nischal Shrestha, Samikshya Chhetri, Subodh Sharma, Joyanto Routh (2023) Himalayan watersheds in Nepal record high soil erosion rates estimated using the RUSLE model and experimental erosion plots Heliyon, Vol. 9, Article e15800 Continue to DOI


Rajendra Bhandari (2022) Provenance, transport, and the fate of organic matter and sediments drained through Himalayan Rivers in Nepal
Rajendra Bhandari, Joyanto Routh, Prayon Joshi, Samikshya Chhetri, Rajendra Joshi, Subodh Sharma (2022) Bulk carbon and lignin fingerprinting of catchment sediments transported by mountain rivers in Nepal Himalayas Catena (Cremlingen. Print), Vol. 216, Article 106340 Continue to DOI


Rajendra Bhandari, Joyanto Routh, Subodh Sharma, Rajendra Joshi (2021) Contrasting lipid biomarkers in mountain rivers in the Nepal Himalayas: Organic matter characteristics and contribution to the fluvial carbon pool Geoscience Frontiers, Vol. 12, Article 101231 Continue to DOI