Environmental Change (TEMAM)

Tema M – Environmental Change is a platform for highly topical, problem-oriented and critical interpretive environmental research and education. At a time when almost the entire nature bears traces of human activity, the state of the environment is strongly linked to the development of society. Today, environmental problems are no longer perceived as ‘problems in nature’ but also as complex social problems that set new standards for scientific breadth, integration and problem-solving.

Environmental Change meets this challenge through a strong combination of analysis traditions and methods for natural science, social sciences, and the humanities. Among these included are analysis of biogeochemical processes and material flows, policy studies developed in close collaboration with user groups, as well as analytical studies of ideas and debates within the environmental and climate field. By promoting interdisciplinary cooperation in the borderland between these different analytical traditions, Tema M ensures that environmental change as a concept, process and political point at issue is not taken for granted but instead subject to constant review and transparency.

Tema M builds on a strong tradition of interdisciplinary environmental studies that have permeated the unit since 1980 and the Center for Climate Science and Policy Research (CSPR) since 2004. At Tema M, these studies are further developed and profiled in relation to contemporary environmental science and environmental policy development.


03 February 2025

Diplomatic talks focusing on nuclear waste and climate

Do the environmental organisations still have a role to play in Swedish nuclear waste final repository design? And is it possible to reach understanding between oil producer Saudi Arabia and the island nation of Fiji?

18 December 2024

Research for a sustainable future awarded almost SEK 20 million grant

An unexpected collaboration between materials science and behavioural science. The development of better and more useful services to tackle climate change. Two projects at LiU are to receive support from the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation.

Researchers in front of a tree in a forest

13 November 2024

LiU researchers explore sustainable forest management in the Amazon

Can climate action go hand in hand with the needs of local Amazonian communities? A research team from Linköping University is investigating this question through interdisciplinary work with communities in the Mamirauá Reserve, Brazil.

Research areas

Research environments


Latest publications


Henrik Kylin (2025) A strange breaching behaviour of a beaked whale Biodiversity observations, Vol. 15, p. 4-7, Article 1738 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Till Reinholtz, Rinata Kazak, Jan Peters, Ievgeniia Kopytsia, Jody Bragger, Angus Aitken (2025) Der Schutz und die Wiederherstellung ukrainischer Ökosysteme aus interdisziplinärer und praktischer Perspektive im Kontext des Environmental Peacebuilding Klima und Recht, Vol. 02, p. 44-52 (Article in journal)
Igor Taveira, Jefferson Cypriano, Juliana Guimaraes, Ludgero Cardoso Galli Vieira, Jose Francisco Goncalves Jr, Alex Enrich Prast, Fernanda Abreu (2025) Ecology and Spatial Distribution of Magnetotactic Bacteria in Araguaia River Floodplain Environmental Microbiology Reports, Vol. 17, Article e70073 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Andi Alijagic, Fredric Sodergren Seilitz, Anna Bredberg, Aron Hakonen, Maria Larsson, Erica Selin, Viktor Sjoberg, Oleksandr Kotlyar, Nikolai Scherbak, Dirk Repsilber, Anna Karrman, Thanh Wang, Eva Särndahl, Magnus Engwall (2025) Deciphering the phenotypic, inflammatory, and endocrine disrupting impacts of e-waste plastic-associated chemicals Environmental Research, Vol. 269, Article 120929 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Fuxing Wang, Aitor Aldama-Campino, Danijel Belušić, Jorge H. Amorim, Isabel Ribeiro, Lotten Wiréhn, David Segersson, Ralf Döscher, Carlo Navarra, Tina-Simone Neset, Petter Lind (2025) Interactions of urban heat islands and heat waves in Swedish cities under present and future climates Urban Climate, Vol. 59 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lotten Wiréhn, Gustav Strandberg (2025) Navigating towards strengthened climate service processes Ambio (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Mattias Hjerpe, Erik Glaas, Sofie Storbjörk (2025) The Patronization of Pluvial Flood Risk and Adaptation Among Tenant-Owned Housing Associations in Sweden Buildings, Vol. 15, Article 300 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Naghmeh Nasiritousi, Alexandra Buylova, Björn-Ola Linnér (2025) Matching supply and demand? Exploring UNFCCC reform options Earth System Governance, Vol. 23, Article 100241 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

PhD Programme and education




Visit us in Tema Building, Campus Valla

Postal adress
Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies/Environmental Change, 581 83 Linköping, Sweden

About the Department of Thematic Studies