Amaia Calderon Larrañaga.

A nationwide survey of informal caregivers in Sweden: main findings and the description of available data (ASC ISAR)

Digital seminar (ASC-ISAR)

Mariam Kirvalidze.

Assoc. Prof. Amaia Calderon Larrañaga and Mariam Kirvalidze, Aging Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

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The Aging Research Center at Karolinska Institutet (ARC KI) and the Swedish National Family Care Competence Center (Nka) commissioned Statistics Sweden (SCB) to conduct a nationwide survey from May to September of 2023. The survey targeted individuals aged 55 and older, drawing a sample from the Total Population Register. A stratified random sample of 30,894 people was selected. Data collection involved postal invitations, online options, and multiple reminders. A total of 16,959 people responded (54.9% response rate) and 2585 were informal caregivers. In this seminar, we will take you through some main findings and describe the available data, including a possibility of linking to other registers.

About ASC-ISAR seminar series

ASC-ISAR online seminar series which provides outstanding lectures on ageing of interdisciplinary significance for all those interested in ageing research.

We invite a limited number of guest speakers who are distinguished contributors to the proliferation of knowledge on issues related to ageing to present their works and perspective.

The seminars is open for everyone interested in research on ageing-related topics. It is a platform where researchers meet, create network and other collaborations.

All seminars are held in English and via Zoom. The ASC-ISAR seminar series is arranged by the Division of Ageing and Social Change (ASC).

See upcoming ASC-ISAR semiars.