Abstract submission for ICTMA22 now open
Please use and follow the instructions in the abstract template found under Documents and send your abstract of a maximum of 3500 characters (excluding anything other than the body text) as an attachment to abstract-ICTMA22@mai.liu.se by 15 April 2025 at the latest.
Links to register for the conference will be provided and published on this website at the end of March 2025.
About the contributions
In general, we welcome contributions to ICTMA22 that include, but are not limited to, theoretical, empirical, philosophical, and methodological topics related to the promotion, teaching, learning, and evaluation of mathematical modelling and application, such as the following:
- Pre-primary, primary and secondary school education
- Teacher and university education
- Technology, simulations and modelling
- Design of task, activities and courses focusing on modelling and applications
- Modelling competences
- Modelling assessment
- Problem-posing in modelling
- Creativity in modelling
- Modelling in STEM education and in other interdisciplinary settings
- Modelling in the 21st century
- Modelling in and for everyday life, work, and planet earth
- Modelling teaching and learning in the age of artificial intelligence
In an educational setting, challenges for mathematical modelling education offer us as researchers and teachers of mathematical modelling education, opportunities to reflect, to use creativity and to find new pathways for the future, not only for our students, teachers and for conducting research, but also for society at large. Challenges are opportunities, and as Winston Churchill famously put it: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”. That is, challenges present opportunities to reflect upon, to be used creatively, and to find new perspectives and pathways to advance, learn and develop from.
For ICTMA22 we especially encourage participants and speakers to shed their light on the theme challenges and opportunities in mathematical modelling education, such as:
- Challenges and opportunities for implementing mathematical modelling in schools and curricula
- Challenges and opportunities for mathematical modelling competitions
- Challenges and opportunities for mathematical modelling education for our environment and planet earth
- Challenges and opportunities for assessment of mathematical modelling
- Challenges and opportunities for ethics in mathematical modelling
- Challenges and opportunities for mathematical modelling education and digital tools
- Challenges and opportunities for mathematical modelling in primary education
- Challenges and opportunities for theorizing the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling
- Challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning of mathematical modelling in the age of artificial intelligence