- Ulf Andersson, Cognitive deafness: The deterioration of phonological representations in adults with an acquired severe hearing loss and its implications for speech understanding.
- Carin Fredriksson, Att lära sig leva med förvärvad hörselnedsättning sett ur par-perspektiv.
- Per-Olof Bergemalm, Audiological and cognitive long-term sequelae from closed head injury.
- Per-Inge Carlsson, Hearing impairment and deafness: Genetic and environmental factors - interactions - consequences. A clinical audiological approach.
- Mathias Hällgren, Hearing and cognition in speech comprehension: Methods and applications.
- Mary Rudner, Modalities of Mind: Modality-specific and nonmodality-specific aspects of working memory for sign and speech.
- Kerstin Möller, Impact on participation and service for persons with deafblindness.
- Marie Öberg, Approaches to Audiological Rehabilitation with Hearing Aids : studies on pre-fitting strategies and assessment of outcomes.
- Örjan Dahlström, Focus on Chronic Disease through Different Lenses of Expertise: Towards Implementation of Patient-Focused Decision Support Preventing Disability.
- Malin Wass, Children with Cochlear Implants: Cognition and Reading Ability.
- Emelie Rydberg, Deaf people and the labour market in Sweden: Education - Employment - Economy.
- Sif Bjarnason, Jobbet är kommunikation - om användning av arbetshjälpmedel för personer med hörselnedsättning.
- Vendela Zetterqvist, Tinnitus – an acceptance-based approach.
- Ylva Dahlin-Redfors, Otosclerosis - clinical long-term perspectives.
- Hugo Hesser, Tinnitus in Context: A Contemporary Contextual Behavioral Approach.
- Traci Flynn, Hearing and middle ear status in children and young adults with cleft palate.
- Eva Andersson, Hörselscreening av en population med utvecklingsstörning: Utvärdering av psykoakustisk testmetod och av OAE-registrering som komplementär metod.
- Vinaya Manchaiah, Evaluating the process of change: Studies on patient journey, hearing disabilityacceptance and stages-of-change.
- Elaine Ng, Cognition in Hearing Aid Users: Memory for Everyday Speech.
- Elisabet Classon, Representing sounds and spellings: Phonological decline and compensatory working memory in acquired hearing impairment.
- Elisabet Sundewall Thorén, Internet Interventions for Hearing Loss- Examining rehabilitation, Self-report measures and Internet use in hearing-aid users.
- Sushmit Mishra, Exploring Cognitive Spare Capacity: Executive Processing of Degraded Speech.
- Amin Saremi, Effects of Specific Cochlear Pathologies on the Auditory Functions: Modelling, Simulations and Clinical Implications.
- Ulrika Löfkvist, Lexical and semantic development in children with cochlear implants.
- Cecilia Nakeva von Mentzer, Rethinking Sound: Computer-assisted reading intervention with a phonics approach for deaf and hard of hearing children using cochlear implants or hearing aids.
- Niklas Rönnberg, Assessing cognitive spare capacity as a measure of listening effort using the Auditory Inference Span Test.
- Håkan Hua, Employees with Aided Hearing Impairment: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.
- Josefine Andin, Dealing with Digits: Arithmetic, Memory and Phonology in Deaf Signers.
- Shahram Moradi, Time is of the essence in speech perception: Get it fast or think about it.
- Birgitta Thorslund, Effects of hearing loss on traffic safety and mobility.
- Berit Rönnåsen, Aspekter på lärande vid dövblindhet: möjligheter och begränsningar för personer med Alström syndrome.
- Cecilia Henricson, Cognitive capacities and composite cognitive skills in individuals with Usher syndrome type 1 and 2.
- Sarah Granberg, Functioning and Disability in Adults with Hearing Loss - Preparatory studies in the ICF Core Sets for Hearing Loss project.
- Lisa Kilman, Lost in Translation: Speech recognition and memory processes in native and non-native language perception.
- Moa Wahlqvist, Health and People with Usher syndrome.
- Hans Erik Frölander, Deafblindness: Theory-of-mind, cognitive functioning and social network in Alström syndrome.
- Emil Holmer, Signs for Developing Reading: Sign Language and Reading Development in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children.
- Victoria Stenbäck, Speech masking speech in everyday communication - the role of inhibitory control and working memory capacity.
- Camilla Warnicke, Tolkning vid förmedlade samtal via Bildtelefoni.net: interaktion och gemensamt meningsskapande.
- Milijana Lundberg Malmberg, Aural rehabilitation programs for hearing aid users. Evaluating and clinically applying educational programs, supported via telephone and/or the internet and professionally guided by an audiologist.
Elisabeth Ingo, Climbing up the hearing rehabilitation ladder.
- Helena Stålnacke, Phonological development in children with otitis proneness.
- Mattias Ehn, Life Strategies, Work and Health in People with Usher Syndrome.
- Michaela Socher, Reasons for Language: Language and Analogical Reasoning Ability in Children with Cochlear Implants and Children with Typical Hearing.
- Erik Witte, The development of the Situated Phoneme (SiP) test: A Swedish test of phonemic discrimination in noise for adult people with hearing loss.
- Satu Turunen-Taheri, Adult patients with severe-to-profound hearing impairment. A clinical, register-based, and interview study.
- Andreea Micula, Cognition Seen Through the Eyes of Hearing Aid Users: Working Memory Resource Allocation for Speech Perception and Recall.
- Elin Lundin, Older adults with Dual Sensory Loss: Prevalence, Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Services.
- Rina Blomberg, Auditory Distraction in ADHD: From Behaviour to the Brain.
- Elin Karlsson, Assessment of everyday functioning for adults with hearing loss: Development of Hearing and Functioning in Everyday life Questionnaire (HFEQ).