Smart grid with the focus on marginalized energy customers

Smart home.

This project focuses on household customers that are at risk of being neglected or excluded when smart energy products and solutions for homes are designed and implemented.

Development of smart grids has been primarily driven by actors that envision customers as rational, active and economically minded. The question is how customers that do not fulfill these criteria will be able to benefit from the smart energy products and services at home. What kinds of interests, needs and circumstances do they have? How can product developers and service providers create more inclusive solutions in future?


This project focuses on household customers that are at risk of being neglected or excluded when smart energy products and solutions for homes are designed and implemented.  The specific situation in Gothenburg is examined. The project will identify characteristics of such households and study how their interests, needs and circumstances can be understood and managed locally. This knowledge is needed to develop smart energy products and services for homes in such as way that many groups can benefit from and contribute to the full potential of smart grids. The project is based on the interviews with actors in Gothenburg that have insights into needs, interests and circumstances of vulnerable groups.


The project is funded by Göteborg Energi.

Project duration: March 2019 – February 2020
