
Harald Rohracher


Whether climate crisis or inequality, dealing with societal problems often requires transformative social and technical change. In my research I am developing a critical-constructive perspective on our ability to govern such processes.

Governing socio-technical change

A transition towards a more sustainable low-carbon society is seen as one of the key contemporary challenges of our societies. In my research I investigate the potentials and limitations to shape such transformation processes from a socio-technical perspective.

Many of today’s most pressing problems, whether the climate crisis, the future of health systems, or global economic disparities are deeply interrelated with our (in)capacity to change current infrastructures and govern socio-technical change. Infrastructures are contested political terrains: they shape the way we communicate, how we move, how we lead our everyday lives; they are interlaced with political and economic power relations and they produce social inclusions and exclusions.

In my research I am interested in the governance of socio-technical change particularly in the field of energy, but also transport and food systems and the impact of digitalisation. My work focuses as much on national environmental and transformative innovation policies as on cities as a specific context for the climate transition .
I study the change and transformation of energy systems and infrastructures as a socio-material practice and have a special interest in the role of users, households and civil society organisations in shaping change but also in how they become configured in particular ways through different governance strategies.

Questions in this context are:

  • How does our way of dealing with the challenge of climate change and sustainability shift social relations and power structures?
  • How do new socio-technical assemblages emerge and become institutionalised and others becoming unstable?
  • How do we attempt to shape transformative change of infrastructure systems at different governance levels and how successful are these strategies?



Harald Rohracher, Julia Velkova, Dick Magnusson, Mohsen Farhangi (2025) Re-assembling infrastructures from below. The agency of households in the sustainable energy transition Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol. 54, Article 100943 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Harald Rohracher, Gudrun Haindlmaier, Klaus Kubeczko, Dick Magnusson (2024) Beyond Urban Smart Grid Experiments: Replication and Upscaling as Contested Concepts Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future, p. 75-91 (Chapter in book)
Anna J. Wieczorek, Harald Rohracher, Dierk Bauknecht, Klaus Kubeczko, Simon Bolwig, Pieter Valkering, Regine Belhomme, Simone Maggiore (2024) Citizen-led decentralised energy futures: Emerging rationales of energy system organisation Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 113, Article 103557 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Mohsen Farhangi, Harald Rohracher, Dick Magnusson (2024) More than wires and screens: Assumptions about agency of devices in smart energy projects Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 114, Article 103592 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Fredrik Envall, Harald Rohracher (2024) Technopolitics of future-making: The ambiguous role of energy communities in shaping energy system change Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, Vol. 7, p. 765-787 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Profile area - Societal Transformations

Societal Transformations meet the challenges facing society where a comprehensive approach is required that takes into account several dimensions. Together we can meet the challenges and contribute to developing new innovative solutions.

Research project

data center

Megabytes vs Megawatts

Megabytes vs Megawatts is a research project that studies ongoing infrastructure developments and societal imaginaries to make data centers more environmentally sustainable.

A group of students are working sitting down by tables

Just Transitions Graduate School

The aim of Just Transitions graduate school is to build knowledge and competence around how to implement just climate transition in a local context. The graduate school is based on seven doctoral projects and a platform for knowledge exchange.

Illustration showing energy saving, sustainable resources, big city, environmental conservation, sustainable energy.

International Lecture Series: Planning in transition

New concepts and challenges for sustainable urban and regional change. This public lecture series engages with contemporary critical challenges in urban and regional development such as climate change, digitalization or social inequality.

More ongoing projects 

  • Navigating Digital Food Landscapes: Exploring Effective Governance Approaches to Address Spatial Inequalities
  • Contentious Politics and Democratic Renewal in Sustainability Transitions
    Horizon Europe
  • Co-constructing indicators for transformative change in urban climate transitions
  • Forging systemic coherence: Transformative portfolio approach for urban transition
    Formas, KTH
  • Accompanying research of System demonstrators for climate neutral cities


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