Admission requirements for doctoral studies
To be admitted to doctoral studies, you must satisfy both general and specific entry requirements, and possess the ability to successfully complete the programme. General entry requirements are as follows: (a) completed a degree at advanced level in a subject relevant to the field of research, (b) completed courses for at least 240 credits, at least 60 of which must be at advanced level, or (c) acquired in Sweden or abroad essentially corresponding knowledge in some other manner. An exemption from the general entry requirements can be granted in special circumstances.
Specific entry requirements are stated in the study plan for each doctoral studies programme.
In addition to satisfying the general and specific entry requirements, the applicant must have the ability to successfully complete the programme. This is to be assessed by teachers and examiners in the programme.
The doctoral study programmes recruit PhD students based on the research questions and the relevant research expertise. It may also be of interest that the group of newly admitted doctoral students has a cross-disciplinary or multidisciplinary composition. Each research environment can in this way recruit PhD students with backgrounds in different disciplines.
Selection among qualified applicants
The teaching staff will review all documents, assess work samples submitted and weight the qualifications based on the general principles formulated in the Higher Education Ordinance. They will also base their decisions on detailed information given in the relevant study plans.
The teaching staff will identify a lead group of applicants to be invited for interview. Four or more applicants are often invited for interview, for each position as PhD student. The final weighting, which may also include taking up references and other elements, determines who is to be offered the position.
A doctorate or licentiate?
Research education for a doctoral degree comprises 240 credits. After half of the programme has been completed, 120 credits, it is possible to choose to submit the work for a licentiate degree. After being awarded a licentiate degree, it is possible either to terminate research education at this point, or continue to a doctoral degree. It is now also possible to be admitted directly to a licentiate degree. In this case the study programme comprises 120 credits.
Application to doctoral studies
An application for admission to doctoral studies is to be submitted to the address given in the announcement of positions as doctoral student. Positions as doctoral student are also published on the university website under “Vacancies/PhD students”. More information is available from the relevant study programme administration.