The budget is 900 kSEK/year which is for 2 to 3 projects.
The call will be renewed twice a year. The chosen project runs for a maximum of 6 months.
Who can apply? Scientists connected to a group involved at AFM.
Deadline: The proposal should be sent to latest 30th January 2022 midnight.
Budget: from 300 to 450 kSEK
Format: The proposal is one-page long (font 11), describes the technological concept/prototype, and motivates according to the 3 eligibility criteria below.
Eligibility criteria:
(i) the use of the Printed Electronics Arena (PEA) together with RISE ( to make demonstrations of concept and/or prototypes from scientific ideas coming from researchers at LIU/AFM. (Follow this link for a
virtual tour of PEA.)
(ii) Involve a company or an entrepreneur (even before start-up phase) who monitors the project through regular meetings and guidance.
(iii) Involve a LIU/AFM researcher who monitors the project through regular meetings and guidance. The AFM researcher is responsible for the knowledge transfer to RISE and the
follow-up of the project.