CeNano now calls for applications for project support 2020. Up to 7 projects
will be funded. The support, maximum 150 000 SEK per project, is to be used as part of the salary for a PhD student working in the field of nanoscience or nanotechnology.

The support can be applied for by the main supervisor, a co-supervisor, or the PhD student him/herself. As main applicant you can only be granted one project, but it is allowed to participate as a co-supervisor in several applications.


The proposal must contain following items:

  1. Title page (CeNano-Forsattsblad-2020)
  2. A description of the project (maximum 1 page). The roles of the PhD students that will benefit from the support must be clearly described in project plan. The application must include a clear description of how the project will stimulate and benefit from twinning i.e. an interdisciplinary collaboration between two or more PhD students in order to create synergies and allow for work with higher impact. The twinning must be between PhD students from different Divisions and fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology, formally enrolled at LiU. Collaboration across departmental or faculty borders is encouraged but the grant will only cover salary costs for PhD students at LiTH.
  3. CVs of all applicants (1 page/applicant), including references to a maximum of five publications each. If the applicant is a PhD student, the CV of the supervisor involved in the project must also be included.
  4. Applicants who were granted CeNano support in 2019 must provide an activity report for the supported project (2 pages) as an appendix to the application.


In the assessment process, the following will be taken into consideration:

  • Research quality and relevance to the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
  • Twinning as described above, and synergies with other PhD projects.
  • Achievements in previously CeNano-supported projects (if any).

PhD students benefitting from the support will report by giving oral presentations at a CeNano Symposium (planned for Dec 2020). A short presentation of each project on the CeNano website will also be required.

The application should be submitted as a single PDF file to Caroline Brommesson caroline.brommesson@liu.se), Friday 29th May 2020 at 17.00 at the latest.

The decision will be announced in the end of June 2020.

Linköping May 6, 2020

Do not hesitate to contact Caroline Brommesson (caroline.brommesson@liu.se) if you have any questions.

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