If you are selected for an exchange, make sure you have sufficient knowledge of oral and written English to take part in the English taught courses. See information on your faculty's application form or web page what documentation is needed.
When applying for a study semester at Linköping University you can also apply for accommodation and a beginner's course in Swedish.
As an Exchange Student you do not pay any tuition fee.
Courses are intended for exchange students who have completed at least one year of studies (two years of studies for students applying to the Faculty of Science and Engineering) at their home university. Exchange students cannot normally combine courses to obtain a final degree at LiU.
When cooperation agreements are made by subject area, department or faculty, learning agreements can only be made within the faculty concerned.
For information, course list, and application form please choose the faculty with which your home university has signed an agreement. LiU has four faculties.
Application deadlines
Autumn semester and Academic year: 15 April Spring semester: 15 October
Please see Faculty information about the application for more information.
Decision on admission will take one month or more after the application deadline. After that, letters of admission with all additional information will be sent out.