Welcome to the art & science exhibition “Digging into nutrients via urban agriculture,” on display at Valla Library in Studenthuset from the end of February to the beginning of May 2024.

Art and Science exhibit opening with people who are mingling. Photo credit Teiksma Buseva

The exhibition is the result of a collaboration between a research group and an artist. In focus for the exhibition are research results about the flows of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen through urban agriculture. Especially for this exhibition, artist Elizabeth Carlsson has created embroideries to illustrate scientific diagrams and data.

My aim is to provide space to the emotional and symbolic aspects, and to inspire into action.
Elizabeth Carlsson

This exhibition explores how urban agriculture can contribute to sustainable flows of resources, support the supplies of food and water, and provide recreational activities.

Data collecting started in the spring of 2020. During a period of three years, the participating researchers collaborated with 22 gardening enthusiasts, resulting in 40 soil samples being collected and estimations of the quantities of nutrients added to urban gardens.

The researchers collected over 3500 samples of water leaching into four allotment gardens in Linköping.

Lecture and exhibition


Visit the Art & Science exhibition to take part of  the artist Elizabeth Carlsson interpretation of scientific findings and see her embroidery work.

Art and Science exhibit opening with people who are mingling. Photo credit Teiksma Buseva


Welcome to this Art & Science exhibition at Studenthuset at Campus Valla, Linköping. Below you can take part of a  lecture by Geneviève S. Metson, titled ”Urban food gardens and nutrients - balancing multiple sustainability considerations.”




A selection of exhibits

Research project