The research environment Ageing and Social Change invites to the online seminar series of the ITN EuroAgeism.

Woman reading. Photo credit Clément Falize on Unsplash

Attitudes toward older adults, ageism in late working life, evidence-based policy making and meaning and methods in the humanities and aging resarch. Those are a few of the topics discussed in the seminar series organised by EuroAgeism.

The seminars are multi-disciplinary and held by researchers, lecturers and professionals from different fields, universities and organisations. The seminars are hosted by the EuroAgeism coordinator in Israel and conducted in English. They are open to all interested in the topics of ageism, age-discrimination and related issues around ageing and social change.


EuroAgeism seminar series programme 

The seminars are held via Zoom between 3 pm, Swedish time, and max 4.30 pm.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 875 8534 6912


November 18: Attitudes toward older adults: differences, causes and possible cure

Xin Zhang; Peking University, China

December 9: Ageism in late working life and retirement transitions

Laura Naegele, Universität Vechta, Germany


January 6: Marie Curie Individual Fellowship and other relevant grants for junior scholars

Smadar Hirsh, Israel-Europe R&D Reuma Gadassi-Polack, Yale University, United States

February 3: The humanities and aging research: Meanings and methods

Kate de Medeiros; Miami University, United States

March 3: An introduction to the design of products and services for older people

Paula Alexandra Silva, University of Coimbra, Portugal

April 8: What is the adequate minimum for life in dignity in an age of increasing inequality?

Daniel Gottlieb, The Hebrew University, The National Insurance Institute of Israel, Israel

;ay 5: EU grant opportunities under Horizon Europe and basic do’s and don’ts of grant writing

Laura Motta, Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore Rome Campus, Italy

June 9: Career planning/ career trajectories

Amber Gum, University of South Florida

July 7: Evidence-based policy making- what does it take?

Silvia Perel-Levin, NGO Committee on Ageing, Geneva, Switzerland

The International Research Network EuroAgeism


The Divison of Ageing and Social Change