Department of Culture and Society (IKOS)

At IKOS, the social sciences and humanities unite in environments where research and education work together.

The Department of Culture and Society (IKOS) conducts education and research in various humanities, social sciences and aesthetic subjects, often in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary environments where language, culture and society are at the center.

IKOS strives to strengthen the role of the social science and humanities in society and we see collaboration between education, research and the outside world as a prerequisite for success. The department is located in both Linköping and Norrköping.


Emile Farmer Bellewes.

Emile Farmer would like a greater Scrutiny of Ecological Narratives

”We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis, society needs to be able to both critique and celebrate narratives relating to our relationship with nature. Ecolinguistics can play a crucial role in education at the university level and in schools.”

Josefina Syssner – Professor visiting academia

In her teens, Josefina Syssner wanted to be a cartoonist. She had no intention of studying at university. A few decades later, she is a professor  with a specific eye on the parts of Sweden that are losing population year after year.

LiU researchers adding sparkle to concert series

This season’s Crusell series will be in the spirit of Nobel. At each of six concerts, a LiU researcher will lecture on one of the Nobel prizes. Eva Hemmungs Wirtén is to talk about Gatsby’s 100th anniversary, Champagne and the prohibition era.

On going


Some of the upcoming events at IKOS


Research Environments

The Ageing and Social Change research environment

The Ageing and Social Change research environment conducts leading-edge research on key social, political and cultural issues of ageing.

Brita Hermelin föreläser om Ostlänken på CKS kommundag 2016

Centre for Local Government Studies - CKS

CKS (Centre for Local Government Studies) is a research centre for studies on local politics, organization and development.

Culture and society (Tema Q)

Tema Q/Culture and Society research environment is an interdisciplinary unit that seeks to foster a critical outlook on the multiple roles played by culture in society, in the present as well as in the past.

Doctoral programmes

Courses within the doctoral programmes at the Department of Culture and Society

The Department of Culture and Society offers a variety of graduate courses within the humanities and social sciences. The courses are offered to doctoral students at Linköping University and other institutions of higher education.

The Doctoral Programme in Ageing and Social Change

The doctoral programme in Ageing and Social Change aims to give doctoral students in-depth knowledge in this field. Students shall independently plan and carry out a qualified research project and present and disseminate its results.

The Doctoral Programme in Ethnic and Migration Studies

The doctoral programme offers a comprehensive and interdisciplinary research education in ethnic and migration studies.


Centre for Local Government Studies (CKS)

CKS focuses on questions and challenges of major importance for local municipalities. The main purpose is to generate knowledge through research, support, evaluation and seminars.

Classrum with adult students.

Division for Swedish as a Second Language, Rhetoric and Language Support (SAROS)

We offer pedagogical guidance and skills development as well as help to improve the academic language and oral or written presentation.

Woman talking in headset in front of computer.

Division of Administrative Support (VS)

The vision of the Division of Administrative Support at IKOS embraces high competence, efficiency, involvement and a good work environment. We believe effective dialogue is an important factor for us to succeed with our tasks.

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