In order to help students create an interesting study plan, we propose a number of course packages below. Each package focuses on a specific theme, where knowledge is built progressively as it is approached from different perspectives.
The courses in the packages are full-time, which means that students can take only one course per study period, and they are presented here in chronological order. That way, schedule conflicts are avoided. Courses from different packages can be combined, but students should be careful to choose only one course per study period.
Finally, students should make sure that they meet the specific entry requirements for each course before they apply.
Course Packages
Autumn semester - Undergraduate
Period 1: 723G91 Organization Theory and Analysis, 7.5 credits OR 723G43 Business Ethics in a Globalized World, 7.5 credits
Period 2: 723G57 Entrepreneurship and Business Development, 7.5 credits
Period 3. 723G09 Sustainable Business – Integrating sustainability in business practice, 7.5 credits
Period 4: 723G65 International Business, 7.5 credits
HRM (30 credits)
Period 1: 723G91 Organization Theory and Analysis , 7.5 credits OR 723G43 Business Ethics in a Globalized World , 7,5 credits
Period 2: 723G93 Leadership across Cultures, 7.5 credits
Period 3: 723G95 Human Resource Management, 7.5 credits
Period 4: 723G89 Perspectives on Digitalization, 7.5 credits
ECONOMICS (30 credits)
Period 1: 730G93 Corporate Finance, 7.5 credits
Period 2: 730G94 International Finance and Fixed Income Management, 7.5 credits
Period 3: 730G96 Industrial Organization, 7.5 credits
Period 4: 730G98 Risk Management of Financial Markets and Institutions, 7.5 credits OR 770G02 Development Economics, 7.5 credits
Double degree students from Audencia are welcome to apply for one of the above course packages: Business Development or HRM. See course alternatives below:
Period 1: 723G91 Organization Theory and Analysis, 7.5 credits OR 723G43 Business Ethics in a Globalized World, 7.5credits
Period 2: 723G57 Entrepreneurship and Business Development , 7.5 credits OR 723G93 Leadership across Cultures, 7.5 credits
Period 3: 723G09 Sustainable Business – Integrating sustainability in business practice , 7.5 credits OR 723G95 Human Resource Management, 7.5 credits
Period 4: 723G65 International Business , 7.5 credits OR 723G89 Perspectives on Digitalization, 7.5 credits
Autumn semester - Advanced/Master's
Course package "MSc Strategy and Management in International Organizations, Semester 1" (30 credits)
Periods 1 and 2: 722A54 Classic Leadership and Organization Dilemmas, 15 credits
Periods 3 and 4: 722A55 Contemporary International Management Paradoxes, 15 credits
Course package "MSc Strategy and Management in International Organizations, Semester 3" (30 credits)
Periods 1 and 2: 722A53 Strategy - Classic and Contemporary Views, 15 credits
Periods 3 and 4: 722A57 Advanced Consumer Marketing, 15 credits
Spring semester - Undergraduate
Period 1: 723G61 Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, 7.5 credits
Period 2: 723G69 Service Management and Marketing, 7.5 credits
Period 3: 723G75 Strategy and International Management, 7.5 credits
Period 4: 723G80 Enterprise Systems, 7.5 credits
Period 1: 723G71 Management Control, 7.5 credits
Period 2: 723G73 Project Management, 7.5 credits
Period 3. 723G75 Strategy and International Management, 7.5 credits
Period 4: 723G80 Enterprise Systems, 7.5 credits
ECONOMICS (30 credits)
Period 1: 770G26 Health Economics and Ethics, 7.5 credits
Period 2: 770G28 Labour Economics, 7.5 credits
Period 3: 730G91 Intermediate Macroeconomics, 7.5 credits
Period 4: 770G04 Behavioural Economics, 7.5 credits
ATLANTIS PROGRAM (37,5 credits)
Before the start of the semester: 799G47 Intensive Beginner’s Course in Swedish for Exchange Students, level A1, 7.5 credits
Period 1: 723G61 Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, 7.5credits OR 723G71 Management Control, 7.5 credits
Period 2: 723G69 Service Management and Marketing, 7.5 credits OR 723G73 Project Management, 7.5 credits
Periods 3 and 4: 723G52 Bachelor Thesis, 15 credits (will be added to your study plan by us)
Period 1: 723G61 Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, 7.5 credits OR 723G71 Management Control, 7.5 credits
Period 2: 723G69 Service Management and Marketing, 7.5 credits OR 7723G73 Project Management, 7.5 credits
Periods 3 and 4: 723G52 Bachelor Thesis, 15 credits (will be added to your study plan by us)
Spring semester - Advanced/Master's
"MSc Strategy and Management in International Organizations, Semester 2" (30 credits)
Period 1: 722A58 Business Finance, 7.5 credits
Period 2: 722A59 Management Control Systems, 7.5 credits
Period 3: 722A61 Term Project, 7.5 credits
Period 4: 722A60 HRM in Modern Organizations, 7.5 credits