The SMIO Master’s Programme has established itself as an international strategy and management programme. Alumni from across the globe attended its recent 15th anniversary jubilee.

Photo credit Charlotte Perhammar Programme manager Besma Glaa has noted that the students find careers in a variety of areas after graduation. Each year, there are almost 1,000 applications from all over the world for SMIO’s 45 places. “Following their master’s studies in Linköping they find jobs in sectors ranging from banking and finance to UN field work. And many are in leading positions,” says Besma Glaa, associate professor and programme manager.

The 15th anniversary jubilee was held on 3−4 March 2023 in Studenthuset on Campus Valla, and reuniting with the alumni was quite an emotional experience for many.

“Seeing the alumni again is so much fun. They are very ambitious. This isn’t only a study programme; it comes with a network. We call it the SMIO family. It’s important to us that the students feel safe. They’ve come from across the globe, they are a long way from home, and we want them to feel that we will support them,” says Besma Glaa.
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• The number of applicants has increased. In 2014, there were 654, and in 2019 there were 1,235. After the pandemic, the number is close to 1,000.
• More than 400 students have graduated from the programme.
• Several alumni are currently in leading positions in various international organisations.
• Several have also remained at LiU as doctoral students or employees.

More about the anniversary

More about the SMIO Master´s programme