Just imagine – it never ends. My fascination for all the amazing research carried out here, the curiosity, free exchange with colleagues, and the opportunities for development that are open to anyone who wants to take them. It was 1996 when I first came to LiU. Apart from a couple of years with another employer, I have worked here for 20 years! 20 years! “How is that possible?” I hear you ask.
If I say university secretary, administrator, educational secretary and now coordinator, it may help you to understand. Four different types of responsibility in four different workplaces is proof that I have a generous employer who gives me the opportunity to test new things. I force myself to break out from my comfort zone, and this year I have accepted new challenges. I was given the opportunity to take the Nyfiken på ledarskap (“Curious about leadership”) programme. We have become a close-knit group of wonderful LiU folk, and we have all opened ourselves, shared our strengths and weaknesses, our experiences and dreams. It has given me a broad knowledge and understanding of what leadership at LiU is and what it means, and I have learnt an amazing amount about myself.
“A university of international standing – where people and ideas converge and develop.” This is LiU’s vision and it permeates my day-to-day work. My contribution is professional services to students, researchers, teachers and other colleagues in an international research and educational setting.
Chatarina Malm
Coordinator at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine