Third-cycle Education

Before applying for the course you have to download and fill in the AEO form and send to the Animal Ethics Officer, who will evaluate your specific needs and provide more information about the course. Wait for this approval before you apply for the course.

AEO form (pdf)


Apply to the course here

About the course

The course Laboratory Animal Sciences (LAS) is provided by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Linköping University, using the contents developed by the Nordic Consortium for LAS Education and Training (NCLASET) and is compulsory for all PhD students at Linköping University who will work with laboratory animals.

According to EU directive 2010/63/EU and the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s Regulations and General Advice on Laboratory Animals (L150), any persons in Sweden who intend to work with laboratory animals according to functions A-D as described below must have training and demonstrate the competence required.

  • Function A) Perform animal experiments
  • Function B) Design experiments or projects including animals
  • Function C) Handle animals and/or
  • Function D) Euthanize animals

The course consists of modules with both theoretical and practical parts. Some course contents are species-specific, i.e. relate to the species of animal to be used by the student.
For more information, see the course syllabus.