Work to organise and improve the healthcare sector is increasingly taking its point of departure in performance measures. As an organisation which traditionally has been controlled by profession and where autonomy has been an important organising principle, the conditions for the health care sector have changed with the introduction of performance measurements.

The purposes of practicing measurements vary between different domains in healthcare. At the policy level, much work has been directed toward creating transparency in healthcare systems. Administrative management has developed models such as the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to integrate measurement into the planning and budgeting of organisations. The literature also identifies that professionals use measurement for various purposes of evaluating, controlling, and improving clinical practice.

The aim of the project is to develop understanding of how learning is linked to performance measurement and quality improvement in health care with focus on the microsystem.  Also the aim is to identify those factors and conditions that can contribute to a successful use of performance measurement and develop new forms of performance measurement application. 

Research methods: qualitative interview-based
Participating organisations: Region Jönköping, Karolinska Institutet, 
Type of Project and Time Plan: HELIX VINN Excellence Centre and internal funding.

Key publications

  • Elg, M., Palmberg, K. and Kollberg, B. Performance measurement to drive improvements in healthcare practice (2013), International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33(11/12), pp.1623 – 1651
  • Elg, M., & Kollberg, B. (2009). Alternative arguments and directions for studying performance measurement. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 20(4), pp. 409-421. 
  • Elg, M. and Kollberg, B., Conditions for Reporting Performance Measurement. (2012) Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 23(2), pp 63-77
  • Kollberg, B., & Elg, M. (2011). The Practice of the Balanced Scorecard in Health Care Services. International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management, 15(4), pp. 244-256.
  • Mazzocato, P., Holden, R., Brommels, M., Aronsson,M., Bäckman, U., Elg, M., Thor, J.,(2012) How does lean work in emergency care? A case study of a lean-inspired intervention at the Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, BMC health services research, 12(28)
