Campus services are a very important part of your university experience. You need access to a good study environment and educational tools, reliable health services and stimulating social life.

Campus services provided by Linköping University

Two students at a books shelf in a library.
Photographer: Magnus Johansson

The University Library

The University Library provides a broad range of high-quality resources for students. There is a library at each LiU campus. Besides books and journals, our libraries house computer terminals where students can retrieve information from local catalogues, as well as national and international databases. In order to borrow books and use computers and printers, you need a LiU-card. The library also arranges courses in information retrieval.

Photographer: Anna Nilsen

Student Healthcare Center

There is a Student Healthcare Centre (Studenthälsan) on Campus Valla and one on Campus Norrköping. They have nurses working with disease prevention and social counsellors ready to help you. All services at the Student Healthcare Centre are confidential and free of charge. Please note that you should call the health centre/clinic where you live, (Vårdcentral) if you need to arrange a doctor’s appointment. If you do not know which clinic you belong to, call 1177 for information.

A photo of a computer, in the corner an arm taking notes is visible.
Photographer: J Kelly Brito/Unsplash

Computers and internet access

Students have access to computers and internet connection on all campuses. You get access to computer rooms with your LiU-card. Once you have registered as a student you will receive your LiU-ID that will allow you to log on to these computers. You will also receive access to the LiU learning platform Lisam.

Student unions

Student union service

Student Union Service

Together, the three student unions have a service organization called the Student Union Service (Kårservice) which provides all practical services. Here you can get help with housing and much more.

Student Union Service (Kårservice)

Kårservice is available in five different locations

  • Student union house Kårallen, entrance level at Campus Valla
  • Student union house Trappan at Campus Norrköping
  • Student union house Örat at Campus US
  • Student union house Kollektivet in central Linköping
  • Student union house Ryds herrgård / [hg] in the middle of Ryd, Linköping

The university giving merit to student voices is one reason Linköping and Norrköping both have been awarded student city of the year, three times in total.

Student events

Student culture at LiU is booming, and there are always events, parties and loads of organisations to join, for every interest. There are events organised for international students specifically, and others that are open to everyone. We strongly recommend taking the time to attend some of them – you will meet new friends and enhance your study experience at LiU. You can read more about rich student culture at LiU and our campus traditions below.

Student events - A world-class student life

Photographer: MagnusAndersson

Eating on campus

There are several restaurants and coffee shops on each of our campuses, offering a varied selection of food. Many of the restaurants offer discounts for students, and student-run cafés have extra student-friendly prices.

It is very common among students at Swedish universities to cook food at home and bring a lunchbox to campus (“matlåda”). You can find student-dedicated lunchrooms all over each campus. These are equipped with microwave ovens to heat food that you brought with you.

Photographer: Anna Nilsen

Essential information