The technology of GPS monitoring of grazing animals has enormous potential to more effectively monitor the position and health status of animals. In addition, it provides the opportunity to more efficiently monitor animals on large pastures and monitor whether they have escaped from the pasture.
Photo: Pexels
Digital monitoring of grazing animals using sensors on the grazing animals and in the pasture which are then linked to a web-based dashboard and app in the mobile phone. By attaching a GPS tag to a collar worn by the animal during the grazing season, it is possible to follow the animal's activity on a web-based dashboard or via an app (android). The dashboard is linked to a subscription where multiple users can be added. In the dashboard, the paddocks are marked and alarms are received from the system if an animal escapes outside the paddock. The tags can be reused for the next grazing season, but a battery change needs to be done before the new grazing season.
The technology is based on the same technology developed for park rangers in rhino reserves in Kenya. The platform is being developed as the technology evolves and many different types of sensors and hardware will be able to be linked to the same dashboard and app in the future.
The GPS tags are primarily sold as complete packages with tags and collars. In addition, there are subscriptions for the web-based dashboard and app for Android phones. You can also buy live view for the animal's latest positioning. An additional camera and battery can be purchased to be mounted at, for example, a gate and monitor that it is closed. The price for a complete starter package of ten tags and an annual subscription is around SEK 24,000.
The technology of GPS monitoring of grazing animals has enormous potential to be utilised and help farmers more effectively monitor the position and health status of animals. In addition, it provides the opportunity to more effectively monitor the animals on large pastures and monitor whether they have escaped from the pasture. The technology is currently relatively new and has not been widely adopted by the market.