Confirming your place on the programme

All our international degree programmes have mandatory roll calls for all admitted students, regardless of nationality. The roll call is when we read aloud the names of all admitted students on a list to check whether they are present. By attending the mandatory roll call you confirm your place on your programme. If you fail to attend the roll call without prior authorization, you will lose your place on the programme. The time and place of your roll call can be found on the programme specific page for admitted students. This page can be found via a link on the general Admitted pages.

We suggest you have a look at the short video below about the roll call to make sure you understand the importance of being present. Your courses will begin on the same day as the roll call or shortly after.

If you are unable to commence your studies at LiU you can apply for a refund as long as you do so by 23:59 CET the day before the roll call. Any requests for a refund received on or after the day of the roll call will most likely be rejected.


If there are extraordinary circumstances that prevent you from attending the mandatory roll call you may be able to get an exemption. Exemptions are granted on an individual basis. You must be able to prove these circumstances in writing when applying for an exemption. To apply for an exemption you need to use the application form which will be displayed on this page from 6 August 2025. Before this date no decisions on exemptions will be made. If you have filled in the form correctly you can expect your application to be processed within a few days.

Application for exemption from the mandatory roll call

FAQ - roll call

1. Is the roll call mandatory?

Yes. You confirm your place on your programme by attending the mandatory roll call. If the roll call is on campus, then you need to be present in person at the location specified on the programme specific admitted page. Please visit

2. If I am unable to make it to the on-campus roll call, can I attend online?

No. If a roll call takes place on campus, then that applies to all admitted students on that programme. We are unable to make individual exceptions.

3. Why doesn’t LiU offer online roll calls?

Teaching begins shortly after the roll call. Online roll-calls increase the risk of our students arriving late and missing the first part of scheduled teaching. Our on-campus programmes have been planned with on-campus teaching in mind, so missing the start of your programme has a negative consequences for learning outcomes.

4. If I am unable to make it to the on-campus roll call, can I get an exemption?

If there are extraordinary circumstances that prevent you from attending the mandatory roll call you might be able to get an exemption. Exemptions are always granted on an individual basis. You must be able to prove these circumstances in writing when applying for an exemption.
Private matters such as weddings, vacation trips or summer jobs are not grounds for exemptions. 

5. I won’t be able to commence my studies LiU, can I apply for a refund?

You can apply for a refund at any point before the day of the roll call. Any requests for a refund received on or after the day of the roll call will most likely be rejected.

6. It's now early August and I’m still waiting to hear whether my application for a residence permit has been successful. What should I do?

It is, unfortunately, unrealistic that you will be able to start your studies this year. We encourage you to decline the offered place, and apply for refund, before the day of the roll call, in which case the complete tuition fees for the term will be refunded.
We do not consider pending residence permits extraordinary circumstances.

7. My application for a residence permit has been successful, but I haven’t received my residence card yet. What should I do?

Please address any questions about residence permits to the Swedish Migration Agency. If you have a question about visas you should address this to the embassy in the country from which you are applying. 

8. My application for exemption from the mandatory roll call has been denied. Can I appeal against the decision?

No appeal against this decision is possible. You can, however, apply again, before the roll call, if your circumstances change.

9. Why does LiU not allow late arrivals?

There are legal and financial reasons for this. In addition LiU takes the view that late arrival has a strong negative impact on our students’ ability to succeed with their studies. This means that exemptions are granted only at a carefully assessed individual level, and not universally.

10. Can I defer the start of my studies to next year?

LiU assesses applications for deferment on an individual basis. Not being granted a residence permit does not constitute grounds for applying for deferment.

11. Do exchange students, such as ERASMUS students, also have to attend the mandatory roll call?

No, exchange students do not need to attend the roll call for a degree programme.

Mandatory roll call

The importance of roll call

All programmes at Linköping University start with a mandatory roll-call. In this video we tell you more about the roll call, what it is and how important it is.

General questions

Further information