Photo of Bengt Sandin

Bengt Sandin



Johanna Sköld, Bengt Sandin, Johanna Schiratzki (2024) Redressing or Excusing the Past?: The Evaluation of Sexual Child Abuse in the Swedish Redress Scheme for Historical Abuse in Out-of-Home Care Lived Institutions as History of Experience, p. 317-342 Continue to DOI


Bengt Sandin (2023) Book Review: Tvakammarriksdagen 1867-1970: 100 in HISTORISK TIDSKRIFT, vol 143, issue 4, pp 686-689 Historisk Tidskrift, Vol. 143, p. 686-689
Bengt Sandin, Jonathan Josefsson, Karl Hanson, Sarada Balagopalan (Editorship) (2023) The Politics of Children´s Rights and Representation
Jonathan Josefsson, Bengt Sandin, Karl Hanson, Sarada Balagopalan (2023) Representing Children The Politics of Children’s Rights and Representation, p. 1-28 Continue to DOI
Bengt Sandin (2023) Book Review; Early Access: Mueller, Adeline. Mozart and the Mediation of Childhood in AUSTRIAN HISTORY YEARBOOK Austrian History Yearbook Continue to DOI
