Lena Christl de Kloe
PhD student
My research focuses on sexual subjectivities and femtech. I analyze how technologies mediate bodies, self-knowledge and sexual pleasure.
In my PhD research, I analyze how femtech technologies mediate sexual subjectivities through the analysis of specific case studies, such as smart-vibrators, kegeltrainers and health-tracking applications.
Denken in het Donker met Greta Gerwig
Greta Gerwig's Barbie was the cinema hit of 2023. This groundbreaking blockbuster became the center of social debates about gender, feminism and media. Four authors, each from their own expertise, discuss the film.
In this volume, several thinkers discuss Barbie as well as Gerwig's earlier films. Dan Hassler-Forest discusses Barbie's feminism and Ken's masculinity, Wigbertson Julian Isenia discusses the conspicuous absence of Black characters in Gerwig's work, Cyd Sturgess performs a queer reading of Barbie and Saskia van Dam discusses the film through the lens of gender parody. This book is only available in Dutch.
Academic Degree
- 2018-2020: Research Master Media, Art & Performance Studies (cum laude) – Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- 2014-2018: Bachelor Language and Cultural Studies, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
- 2023-now: PhD position, Department of Thematic Studies – Gender studies, Linköping University, Sweden.
- 2020-2023: Lecturer 4, Media- and Cultural Studies and Communication- and Information Sciences. Utrecht University, The Netherlands.