Maria Booth

Associate Professor



Ida Lindgren, Daniel Toll, Björn Johansson, Maria Booth, Aya Rizk, Ulf Melin (2024) Organizational conditions required to implement RPA in local government Insights from a Swedish case study PROCEEDINGS OF THE 25TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL GOVERNMENT RESEARCH, DGO 2024, p. 434-442 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Daniel Toll, Maria Booth, Ida Lindgren (2023) Robot Colleagues in Swedish Municipalities: How RPA Affects the Work Situation of Employees Electronic Government (EGOV 2023): 22nd IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2023, Proceedings, p. 160-173 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Daniel Toll, Maria Booth, Ida Lindgren (2023) Digitalization and automation for the sake of IT? Insight from automation initiatives in Swedish municipalities ICEGOV '23: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, p. 86-93 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI