Photo of Patrick Schooner

Patrick Schooner






Patrick Schooner, Gunnar Höst, Claes Klasander, Jonas Hallström (2023) Teachers' cognitive beliefs about their assessment and use of tools when evaluating students' learning of technological systems: a questionnaire study International journal of technology and design education, Vol. 33, p. 937-956 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Patrick Schooner, Claes Klasander, Jonas Hallström (2018) Teknik, systemgräns och människa: Tekniklärares uppfattningar om vad tekniska system är NorDiNa: Nordic Studies in Science Education, Vol. 14, p. 427-442 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Jonas Hallström, Claes Klasander, Patrick Schooner (2018) Definiera systemgränsen, bortom systemhorisonten: Teknikdidaktiska utmaningar för undervisning om tekniska system Teknikdidaktisk forskning för lärare: Bidrag från en forskningsmiljö, p. 63-74 (Chapter in book)
Patrick Schooner, Claes Klasander, Jonas Hallström (2018) Swedish technology teachers' views on assessing student understandings of technological systems International journal of technology and design education, Vol. 28, p. 169-188 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Patrick Schooner, Charlotta Nordlöf, Claes Klasander, Jonas Hallström (2017) Design, system, value: The role of problem-solving and critical thinking capabilities in technology education, as perceived by teachers Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, Vol. 22, p. 60-75 (Article in journal)

