
Sallam Abdallah

PhD student

Our project focuses on epigenetic modifications which have an impact on the stem cells fate and functional maintenance. Thus, therapeutics targeting epigenetic modifiers may support tissue regeneration mediated by stem cells.



Sallam Abdallah, Mouna Tabebi, Sawsan Qanadilo, Neserin Ali, Jing Wang, Padraig D´arcy, Wen Zhong, Folke Sjöberg, Moustafa Elmasry, Ahmed Elserafy (2025) Modulation of biological activities in adipose derived stem cells by histone deacetylation Scientific Reports, Vol. 15, Article 3629 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Hady Shahin, Sallam Abdallah, Jyotirmoy Das, Weihai He, Ibrahim El Serafi, Ingrid Steinvall, Folke Sjöberg, Moustafa Elmasry, Ahmed Elserafy (2023) miRNome and Proteome Profiling of Human Keratinocytes and Adipose Derived Stem Cells Proposed miRNA-Mediated Regulations of Epidermal Growth Factor and Interleukin 1-Alpha International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 24, Article 4956 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Ankita Srivastava, Reeja Rajan, Sallam Abdallah, Amir Ali Khan, Bashair M. Mussa (2023) Cryopreservation and validation of differentiated PDGFRa-positive cells for long term usage in experimentation BMC Research Notes, Vol. 16, Article 280 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Cathrine Lagerwall, Hady Shahin, Sallam Abdallah, Ingrid Steinvall, Moustafa Elmasry, Folke Sjöberg, Ahmed Taher El-Serafi (2021) Xeno-free workflow exhibits comparable efficiency and quality of keratinocytes isolated from human skin biopsies Regenerative Therapy, Vol. 18, p. 401-407 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI