Photo of Youshan Yu

Youshan Yu

PhD student

Complex systems such as healthcare and transportation are essential for humans daily lives. With AI, they are becoming increasingly intelligent. How can we navigate the new landscape of complex intelligent systems to maximize the potential of AI?



Youshan Yu, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg (2023) AI in the Context of Complex Intelligent Systems: Engineering Management Consequences IEEE transactions on engineering management (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Youshan Yu (2023) Data-driven Innovation or Innovation-driven Data Generation? 2023 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Youshan Yu, Nicolette Lakemond, Gunnar Holmberg, Anna Yström (2021) Managing Generativity and Criticality: Fluid Boundaries in Complex Intelligent Systems

