Here we are announcing docent lectures at the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

15 January 2025

Applied Physics

Subject: Understanding the electrochemistry of conjugated polymers to boost the development of their applications
Lecturer: Jose Martinez Gil, IFM
Time: 15 January, 15:15-16:00
Location: Jordan/Fermi, Fysikhuset, Campus Valla


Understanding the basic principles of any kind of materials is key to develop working and reliable devices by using such materials. Most of the devices nowadays are constructed using materials which composition is constant while working, that is, they do not change their composition during their function. That is also the case of conjugated (or conducting) polymers. There, applications such as flexible and softer electronics, or solar energy conversion emerge and are being already in use nowadays. However, they also can change their composition reversibly through electrochemical reactions. Such changes in the composition originate changes in their properties (such as volume, colour, porosity, surface properties,…) that can be adjusted on demand, giving the possibility to develop devices based on these changes. This results in a paradigm change where materials without a constant composition are used in devices, posing new challenges and many unknowns for their use in applications for the real-life, outside research labs. Thus, even though the fundamental working principles have been stablished, it is still needed to understand all their behaviours in full, which will be very helpful for the development of present and new applications. Examples of applications and how the basic working principles affect their development will be presented, ending with the discussion of future possibilities.

19 December 2024

Biomedical Engineering Sciences

Subject: Emulation and biofabrication of human tissues and disease models
Lecturer: Pierfrancesco Pagella
Time: 19 December, 10:15-11:00
Location: Nobel/BL32, B-huset, Campus Valla


A central goal of bioengineering is the generation of in vitro emulation systems of human organs. These systems, spanning from spheroids to organoids to organ-on-chip systems, are increasingly being used to recreate human- and patient-specific features and conditions, to develop innovative approaches for regenerative medicine, and to complement or substitute animal models in drug development and fundamental biomedical research. Yet, most of these models are overly simplistic and far from their “real” counterparts. Indeed, the emulation of organs and their functions requires the combination of several complex elements, such as organ-specific cellular complexity, realistic extracellular matrix, perfusable vasculature, innervation, immune cells, and in vivo-like 3D topography, just to name a few. Despite the impressive advances, no approach so far could deliver in one solution a bioengineered organ that contains all the fundamental functional units of a real organ. To truly push the boundaries of this field, the integration of all the fundamental components of human organs within these models emerges as a critical scientific challenge that must be addressed. This task requires the integration of multiple research fields and approaches, from developmental and stem cell biology to genomics, tissue engineering, and materials science.

In my docent lecture, after an accessible introduction to the field, I will discuss the approaches and challenges in the generation of complex human bioengineered organs, with a particular emphasis on oral tissues and disease models, guided by examples taken from my research path. I will further discuss current and future approaches that we are pursuing to tackle this fundamental challenge.

6 December 2024

Materials Science

Subject: Functionalized Point Defects in Semiconductors: Building a Quantum Computer
Lecturer: Yuttapoom Puttisong
Time: 6 December kl. 13:15-14:00
Location: Jordan-Fermi, Fysikhuset, Campus Valla

In this docent lecture, I will talk about the useful aspects of point defects and magnetic impurities in semiconductors. I will go through our current understanding of defect centers in semiconductors, their significance in semiconductor technology, and how we can detect and identify them with electron spin resonant spectroscopy. Then, I will introduce you to the exciting aspects of "defect-by-design" and show how we could construct quantum bits (or qubits, analogous to the classical bits in our computers) using spin-active defect centers. Finally, I will discuss our current research on next-generation spin qubits in halide perovskites and show the exciting new prospects that we aim to contribute to the field of quantum computation.

3 december 2024


Lecturer: Johan Blomkvist
Time: 10:30-11:15
Lokal: Alan Turing, E-huset, Campus Valla
Subject: Service phantasms: virtual and artificial versions of future service

In my docent lecture I will talk about prototyping in service design. Service design is an interdisciplinary approach to creating and improving services by focusing on user experience and customer needs. By integrating various disciplines such as design, psychology, and systems thinking, service design seeks to develop holistic and user-centered solutions. To understand the practices of service design, with specific emphasis on prototyping, I have been utilizing theories and methods from distributed cognition which argues that cognitive processes are not confined to the individual but are spread across the environment, tools, and other people. Prototypes range from simple artefacts to systems and flows of interaction, and I will show how the format of prototypes and prototyping influences both who can be included, but also whether they are able to contribute in a meaningful way in the shaping of future services. I also discuss developments in the field, conceptualisations of service as a material and introduce the concept of service phantasms as a way of understanding future services.

25 November 2024

Materials Science

Subject: Robots and Artificial Intelligence – Paths Towards New Functional Materials
Lecturer: Jesper Jacobsson
Time: 13:15-14:00

Location: SH63, Studenthuset, Campus Valla

In this docent lecture, I will give an introduction for how generative artificial intelligence could be used to discover new functional materials. The lecture will also touch upon how we can use robots augmented with machine learning to accelerate the following exploration and development of the materials identified by using generative models.

7 October 2024

Visualisation and Media Technology

Subject: Learning to sample signals: theory, algorithms, and applications

Lecturer: Ehsan Miandji

Time: 13:15-14:00

Location: K1, Kåkenhus, Campus Norrköping

Sampling is the process of converting a real-world object, i.e. an analogue signal, into a digital object, to be stored and processed by a computer. As such, sampling and reconstruction of signals is at the heart of virtually any field in science and technology.
A key challenge in designing efficient sampling algorithms is that the signal to be acquired is effectively unknown. To tackle this challenge, a common practice is to model the signal in a representation space that guides the sampling process. For instance, classical sampling theory models a signal in the Fourier domain.
In this talk, after an accessible introduction to the field, I will explore the topic of multidimensional sparse representation learning for modeling of arbitrary signals. Sparsity is a key aspect of any compression algorithm, but more importantly, it admits sampling rates that are significantly lower than what is required by classical sampling techniques.
Next, I will briefly describe theory and algorithms for designing efficient sampling operators that are directly learned in a sparse domain. The algorithms covered here are equipped with theoretical guarantees and have applications in several fields of science and technology, including the acquisition and modeling of natural and computer-generated images, radiance fields, material appearance, multi-modal sensor arrays, medical imaging, radar systems, light field imaging, and more.

30 september 2024

Engineering mechanics

Subject: Body mechanics
Lecturer: Joakim Holmberg

Time: Monday 30 september kl. 13:15-14:00

Lokal: A35, A-huset, Campus Valla

Language: Swedish


Why should one copy the best in their sport? By the time you have learned their technique, they have probably already moved on. Wouldn’t it be better to increase your understanding so that you can stay ahead, instead of following in their wake? With biomechanical simulations as a complement to traditional experimental methods, there is an opportunity to understand why performance increases, not just how to increase performance.

Sport is not just about performance. Sport is also about health. This might be especially important for athletes with disabilities. How should a sit-ski be designed to improve performance while being as gentle as possible on the body?

Of course, not everyone is an athlete. With biomechanical simulations, there is potential to improve patients’ quality of life. Medical implants can be a great help in performing everyday activities such as climbing stairs and getting up from a chair.

In this lecture, I will show the basics of multibody mechanics and how and why we need to include muscles in the models to increase understanding of body mechanics. I will present the theory behind musculoskeletal simulation models based on Newton-Euler equations of motion, inverse dynamics, and static optimization. This method allows for whole-body models with hundreds of muscles and rigid body segments of most body parts. Some applications in sports, health, and medicine will be presented.

19 augusti 2024

Exploring 3D vision: Parametrisation, Constraints and Solvers

Ämne: Electrical Engineering with specialization in Computer Vision
Föreläsare: Mårten Wadenbäck
Tid: 13:15-14:00
Lokal: Visionen - stora konferensrummet, B-huset, Campus Valla

At the heart of geometric computer vision lies the classical task of
determining both scene geometry and the camera positions from
observations of putative point correspondences between views. Problems
of this class, often referred to as Structure from Motion, have been
studied since the late 19th century, and the more general of these
problems have simple and elegant solutions formulated using projective
geometry. In many practical situations, there may exist additional
constraints that should be imposed on the camera positions (e.g. due to
a motion model) or on the scene geometry, and it remains an active
branch of research how to construct solvers that incorporate and enforce
such constraints. In the present talk, I will start by providing an
accessible introduction to the topic, then proceeding to the role of
minimal solvers and parametrisations, and how one may use polynomial
constraints to enforce desired models. I will show several examples
where I have applied this technique to create minimal solvers for
various relative pose problems. Towards the end of the talk, I will
shift the focus to the challenges of identifying and expressing explicit
geometric constraints, and finish with some comments on open questions
in this direction.

22 May 2024

How and what do we learn from molecular visualizations in science?

Subject: Visualisation and Media Technology
Gunnar Höst
Time: 15:15-16:00
Location: TP45, Täppan, Campus Norrköping

Abstract: Visualization holds a pivotal role in science learning, especially since so much of the content is imperceptible to the naked eye. Scientific models of the molecular world can be visualized using a multitude of visual, linguistic, and multisensory representations, ranging from images and animations to tangible models and virtual environments. In making sense of such representations, learners must leverage the properties of the visualizations into constructing knowledge of concepts such as molecules, cells and other objects and processes, which are otherwise too small to be seen. This lecture explores learners’ interaction, interpretation and learning in relation to science concepts represented by molecular visualizations. Learning will be discussed in relation to the analogical relationships between visual models and the communicated concepts from the perspectives of conceptual change, multisensory interaction with visualizations and anthropomorphism. I will provide examples of theoretical and methodological contributions to the field of science education, including presenting studies in educational contexts ranging from upper secondary school, university as well as informal learning contexts such as science centers. I will also describe how these findings might impact educational practice, visual communication and visualization design. The lecture will conclude by highlighting future avenues for research on visualization and learning.

26 April 2024

Dynamic Automation in Production: Practical implications of adaptable robotics

Subject: Industrial Production
Marie Jonson
Time: 15:15-16:00
Location: ACAS, A-huset, Campus Valla

Abstract: Dynamic automation refers to the implementation of automated systems or processes that possess the capability to adapt and adjust their operations in response to changing conditions, requirements, or stimuli within their environment. Adaptable robotics in this context, denotes a specific subset of dynamic automation that focuses on robotic systems capable of adjusting their behavior, tasks, or configurations to suit changing conditions or requirements, thus increasing system resilience. This lecture explores the transformative role of adaptable robotics in modern production environments. Focused on the practical implications of dynamic automation, it elaborates on the principles of robotics and the evolving landscape of automation in manufacturing. Through case studies and practical examples, attendees gain insights into the design and implementation of dynamic automation systems capable of responding to evolving challenges and lower the threshold for automation in many applications and settings. The lecture also addresses key considerations and challenges in deploying adaptable robotics, offering a glimpse into future trends and opportunities in the field.

16 april 2024

From chemical functionalization to green chemistry of conjugated polymers

Subject: Chemistry
Renee Kroon
Time: 10:15-11:00
Location: K2, Kåkenhus, Campus Norrköping

Abstract: Conjugated polymers are materials that, due to their unique chemical design, allow for interaction with electrons and photons. This property has given rise to the field of organic electronics that encompasses green technology such as solar cells and thermoelectric generators as well as wearable electronics.

With regards to the green design and synthesis of conjugated polymers, advances can still be made. Currently, most conjugated polymers are only processable from harmful organic solvents and are not designed for recycling. In addition, conjugated polymers are still synthesized from fossil fuel-based chemicals, while the selection of bio-based chemicals for conjugated monomer synthesis is not straightforward.

In this lecture, I will show how the enhancement of conjugated polymers with functional groups bestows properties such as mechanical reinforcement, water-solubility, and physical crosslinking on these materials and how these properties can be harnessed to create electroactive cellulose hybrids, which can be separated into the various components at end-of-life. With regards to the green synthesis of conjugated polymers, I will discuss what restrictions the established structural designs of conjugated polymers impose on the selection of bio-based platform chemicals and give examples of platform chemicals that can lead to bio-based conjugated monomers.


Faculty of Science and Engineering