Här informerar vi om kommande docentföreläsningar vid Tekniska högskolan.

26 April 2024

Dynamic Automation in Production: Practical implications of adaptable robotics

Ämne: Industriell produktion
Marie Jonson
Tid: Fredag 26 april kl. 15:15-16:00
Lokal: ACAS, A-huset, Campus Valla

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

Dynamic automation refers to the implementation of automated systems or processes that possess the capability to adapt and adjust their operations in response to changing conditions, requirements, or stimuli within their environment. Adaptable robotics in this context, denotes a specific subset of dynamic automation that focuses on robotic systems capable of adjusting their behavior, tasks, or configurations to suit changing conditions or requirements, thus increasing system resilience. This lecture explores the transformative role of adaptable robotics in modern production environments. Focused on the practical implications of dynamic automation, it elaborates on the principles of robotics and the evolving landscape of automation in manufacturing. Through case studies and practical examples, attendees gain insights into the design and implementation of dynamic automation systems capable of responding to evolving challenges and lower the threshold for automation in many applications and settings. The lecture also addresses key considerations and challenges in deploying adaptable robotics, offering a glimpse into future trends and opportunities in the field.

16 april 2024

From chemical functionalization to green chemistry of conjugated polymers

Ämne: Kemi
Renee Kroon
Tid: 10:15-11:00
Lokal: K2, Kåkenhus, Campus Norrköping

Abstract (finns bara på engelska): Conjugated polymers are materials that, due to their unique chemical design, allow for interaction with electrons and photons. This property has given rise to the field of organic electronics that encompasses green technology such as solar cells and thermoelectric generators as well as wearable electronics.

With regards to the green design and synthesis of conjugated polymers, advances can still be made. Currently, most conjugated polymers are only processable from harmful organic solvents and are not designed for recycling. In addition, conjugated polymers are still synthesized from fossil fuel-based chemicals, while the selection of bio-based chemicals for conjugated monomer synthesis is not straightforward.

In this lecture, I will show how the enhancement of conjugated polymers with functional groups bestows properties such as mechanical reinforcement, water-solubility, and physical crosslinking on these materials and how these properties can be harnessed to create electroactive cellulose hybrids, which can be separated into the various components at end-of-life. With regards to the green synthesis of conjugated polymers, I will discuss what restrictions the established structural designs of conjugated polymers impose on the selection of bio-based platform chemicals and give examples of platform chemicals that can lead to bio-based conjugated monomers

25 mars 2024

Multilevel Determinants of Knowledge Management, Innovation Performance, and Intrapreneurship

Ämne: Industriell ekonomi med inriktning mot industriell organisation
Föreläsare: Adis Murtic, IEI
Tid: 15:15-16:00
Lokal: TE-huset, A-huset, Campus Valla

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

In today’s dynamic business landscape, knowledge management, innovation, and intrapreneurship are widely acknowledged as critical drivers for firms’ sustainable development, financial success, and overall survival. Among the fundamental factors contributing to effective knowledge management, innovation, and intrapreneurship lies absorptive capacity (AC). AC refers to an organization’s ability to assimilate and leverage new knowledge — a dynamic capability that is essential for thriving in knowledge-intensive contexts.

To unlock the full potential of AC, it is crucial to understand its antecedents across various organizational levels and its evolution in diverse contexts. By doing so, firms can proactively manage and enhance their innovation performance and intrapreneurial capabilities. In this lecture, we will delve into the impact of specific individual characteristics, work context factors, and managerial actions on AC. Additionally, we’ll explore how teams serve as a pivotal meso-level context where AC becomes both salient and manifested.

24 januari 2024

Design as a Catalyst for Transformation: Creating Value for People, Organizations, and Society

Ämne: Design
Föreläsare: Suzan Boztepe, IEI
Tid: 15:15-16:00
Lokal: ACAS, A-huset, Campus Valla

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

Over the past two decades, there has been an unprecedented wave of enthusiasm for what design has to offer in addressing the complex organizational, social, and environmental issues we face today. As design expands into the realm of organization, strategy, and governance, it confronts some vexing questions, not the least of which is the question of how to work its way through this new territory to create value. While we have several design methods and tools at our disposal, what we already know about what it takes to design at the organizational level and beyond is still in its infancy.

In this talk, I will discuss design as a transformative and value-creating force for people, organizations, and society. Based on my research, I will first illustrate how design redefines the existing organizational processes to help build innovation capabilities and alternative futures. Then, I will describe with specific examples what is needed for design to act in this capacity. Finally, I will discuss the multiple challenges and tensions involved in building design capacity as a transformative force in organizations and larger systems.

9 januari 2024

Sustainable Batteries: Path to Green Energy

Ämne: Tillämpad fysik
Föreläsare: Ziyauddin Khan, ITN
Tid: 13:15 – 14:00
Lokal: K1, Kåkenhus, Campus Norrköping

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

Batteries are electrochemical energy storage devices that convert chemical energy to electrical energy. While lithium-ion batteries have undoubtedly revolutionized energy storage technology, they are not without their drawbacks. Issues like the scarcity of lithium resources, soaring cobalt prices (utilized in electrodes), ethically questionable cobalt mining practices, and the flammable nature of liquid electrolytes raise concerns regarding the alignment of lithium-ion batteries with the sustainable development goal 7 outlined by the United Nations. This goal aims to achieve affordable and clean energy for all. To address these concerns, the development of energy storage technologies utilizing sustainable materials is essential. This presentation explores advanced sustainable batteries, examining their potential and providing insightful perspectives on the future directions for the creation of high-energy sustainable batteries.

20 december 2023

Atomistic understanding of plasticity in refractory ceramics

Ämne: Materialvetenskap
Föreläsare: Davide Sangiovanni, IFM
Tid: 13:15 – 14:00
Lokal: Planck, Fysikhuset, Campus Valla

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

The combination of exceptional properties, such as extremely high melting points, elevated hardness, and chemical inertness, has propelled ceramics into applications spanning from household goods to advanced technological uses. However, inherently strong chemical bonds are often also a cause of brittleness, which renders ceramics prone to sudden cracking during operation. The problem of brittleness poses significant concerns, especially in safety-critical applications.

The trade-off between hardness and toughness (resistance to brittle fracture) emerges from the opposing effects of plastic deformation on these properties. Therefore, gaining understanding of atomic-scale mechanisms that govern plasticity becomes crucial in devising strategies for designing ceramics with superior mechanical performance.

In this lecture, I utilize atomistic simulations to illustrate how plastic deformation influences toughness and mechanical strength in refractory transition-metal nitrides and carbides (TMCN), which serve as representative ceramic systems. In parallel, I discuss how the plasticity of TMCN is affected by electronic structures, crystal phase stability, temperature, and extended crystallographic defects. Finally, I propose descriptors that efficiently screen trends in mechanical properties and suggest strategies aimed at tailoring ceramics’ strength and toughness to practical demands.


8 december 2023

Exploring microvascular function in cardiovascular disease: challenges, advancements, and technologies

Ämne: Medicinteknisk vetenskap
Föreläsare: Hanna Jonasson, IMT
Tid: 13:15 – 14:00
Lokal: Linden, vån 9, ingång 65, Hus 421, Campus US 

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death globally and accounts for about 40% of all deaths. Although cardiovascular mortality has decreased over the last 10 years it remains a major threat to public health. Primary prevention is of central importance to reduce the prevalence of CVD. Estimation of cardiovascular risk is used to assess who will benefit from preventive actions such as medical treatment and/or lifestyle modifications. However, population health and risk factor patterns for cardiovascular events have changed dramatically during the last two decades. This transformation is accompanied by a growing awareness that microcirculatory function is as important as large vessel function. The microcirculation maintains oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues and organs, and microvascular dysfunction is now known to be associated with both risk factors for CVD, such as hypertension and diabetes, as well as with CVD.

In this presentation, I will give an overview of the microcirculation and the challenges in measuring microvascular function. I will also present optical techniques, protocols, and mathematical modelling to assess microvascular function for an increased understanding of the relationship between microvascular dysfunction and CVD.


20 november 2023

Information Theoretic Security: From First Principles to Future-Proof Algorithms

Ämne: Informationsteori
Föreläsare: Onur Günlü, ISY
Tid: 13:15 – 14:00
Lokal: Systemet, B-huset, Campus Valla

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

The advent of 5G, IoT, and autonomous cyber-physical systems, along with the envisioned 6G world, has heightened concerns regarding privacy and security. Emerging and future systems demonstrate unique characteristics that challenge the prevalent view of information security. Device heterogeneity in terms of resources and capabilities hinders approaches that rely solely on computational security, such as cryptographic methods. Information theoretic security offers solutions to these challenges by providing a framework that enforces information flow security through coding and signalling mechanisms, which is measured using quantitative information theoretic metrics.

In the first part of the lecture, I will provide an overview of the first principles for secure communications and computations. In the subsequent part, substantial gains achieved by employing our information theoretic algorithms in secure integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) applications will be illustrated. I will also demonstrate that by using our algorithms secrecy can come for free, surpassing the secrecy capacity measure commonly used in the physical layer security literature. Next, I will discuss hardware-intrinsic security primitives, called physical unclonable functions (PUFs), that provide a more secure and cost-effective alternative to storing keys in non-volatile memories (NVMs), used in non-repudiation and device identification applications. Our PUF algorithms will be shown to achieve the best secrecy performance in the literature with low hardware complexity. I will conclude the lecture with critical discussions about these results and an outlook for future research.


7 november 2023

The protein structure prediction problem: from Anfinsen's hypothesis to AlphaFold and beyond

Ämne: Bioinformatik
Föreläsare: Claudio Mirabello, IFM
Tid: 15:15 – 16:00
Lokal: E326, Fysikhuset, Campus Valla

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

Proteins are macromolecules found everywhere in living beings, they are the tools responsible for most essential functions carried in every organism, from viruses to mammals. In order to better understand the way a protein works, it is important to know its three-dimensional structure. In the past few years, new Machine Learning technologies - neural networks not too dissimilar to those powering ChatGPT - have made it possible to greatly accelerate the process of determination of protein structures by leveraging their evolutionary history. But how do such new technologies work, how did we get to breakthrough tools such as AlphaFold and, perhaps most importantly, what lies ahead for this field?

I will start this lecture by providing a quick overview of protein biology and the problem of predicting the structure of proteins with neural networks. Then, I will showcase current research efforts in extracting biological interpretations out of these neural networks while improving predictions for harder targets and providing a path to integrate predictions with experiments.


12 oktober 2023

Matematisk modellering - ett verktyg för att upptäcka läkemedel och främja hälsa

Ämne: Medicinteknisk vetenskap
Föreläsare: Peter Gennemark, IMT
Tid: 10:15 – 11:00
Lokal: IMT1, hus 462, Campus US 


Föreläsningen introducerar och diskuterar hur matematisk modellering kan användas för att öka kunskapen om biologi, fysiologi, sjukdomsförlopp och läkemedelsbehandling. Först beskrivs en uppsättning dynamiska matematiska modeller, i form av ordinära differentialekvationer, av metabola system och kroppssammansättning. Modellerna diskuteras med avseende på deras omfattning, komplexitetsnivå och typer av forskningsfrågor som de kan besvara. För det andra introduceras matematiska modeller som används vid forskning på nukleinsyrabaserade läkemedel och deras användning exemplifieras. Dessa exempel diskuteras i relation till typiska farmakokinetiska och farmakodynamiska modeller som används vid läkemedelsforskning och vikten av translationella modeller som skalar mellan arter som mus, apa och människa. För det tredje exemplifieras den snabba utvecklingen av avancerade in vitro-system av ett tvåorgans mikrofysiologiskt system och motsvarande matematisk beskrivning. Detta system diskuteras i relation till hur läkemedelsforskning kan bedrivas effektivt och etiskt, exempelvis genom minskat beroende av djurförsök. Slutligen ger jag en integrerad bild som kopplar de tre punkterna ovan till forskningen om digitala tvillingar som bedrivs av Gunnar Cedersund på IMT.


10 oktober 2023

Understanding Viral Entry Mechanisms Through Multi-Level Structural Analysis

Ämne: Kemi
Föreläsare: Eleonore von Castelmur, IFM
Tid: 13:15 – 14:00
Lokal: Planck, Fysikhuset, Campus Valla

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

Picornaviruses are RNA viruses that infect millions of people every year and cause a wide range of diseases such as the common cold, polio, hepatitis A and foot-and-mouth disease. Viruses are intracellular parasites with a limited set of essential viral proteins. Therefore, viruses must rely on proteins from the host cell (so-called host factors) to copy the genetic material and build new virus particles. Viruses evolve rapidly, which complicates the development of medicines and vaccines. The host factors they depend on to reproduce are therefore attractive targets for developing new drugs. We identified a small cellular enzyme PLAAT3 as a host factor facilitating the transfer of the picornavirus genome into the interior of the cell before the cell senses the virus invasion and disposes of the invader. Remarkably, there appear to be some picornaviruses that carry a homologue to the host factor in their genome, which is then called the 2A protein, raising the question whether this protein has been acquired to bypass the host factor.

In this lecture, I will present our efforts to elucidate how exactly PLAAT3 is involved in viral genome transfer. If we understand its molecular mechanism, we can use the information to develop new antiviral drugs (against several viruses for which there are currently no vaccines or effective medicines). Furthermore, I will also cover how we use integrated structural biology techniques to characterize the structure and function of both human and viral homologues, trying to map the evolutionary adaptation of this protein in picornaviruses and shed light on its role(s) in the viral life cycle, which are poorly understood to date.


9 oktober 2023

Wireless Power Transmission Enabling mm - Size Batteryless Implantable Devices

Ämne: Elektro- och systemteknik med inriktning mot elektroniska kretsar och system
Föreläsare: Alireza Saberkari, ISY
Tid: 10:30 – 11:15
Lokal: Nollstället, plan 3, ingång 27, B-huset, Campus Valla

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

Wireless power transmission (WPT) is a promising solution that has the potential to revolutionize the way we power up devices and machines. The basic principle of WPT is the transfer of electrical energy without physical conductors, potentially eliminating the need for batteries. The increasing miniaturization of electronic devices has led to increasing demand for WPT solutions for mm-scale sensors and implants. These tiny devices are typically used in a wide range of applications, such as medical implants, sensor networks, and Internet of Things (IoT). However, there are still challenges involved in widespread applications which need to be addressed. One of the major challenges in WPT is the ability to maintain high efficiency while increasing the distance between the external device or reader and the mm-scale sensor or implanted device.

The first part of this lecture provides an overview of available energy sources for implantable devices and their pros and cons. Specifically, RF energy harvesting and wireless power transmission will be discussed as a cost-effective technology for powering up devices. In addition, challenges associated with delivering power to implantable devices with mm-size antennas are highlighted leading to new research questions in terms of extending power telemetry range. The rest of the lecture will address the research that has been conducted toward the implementation of a battery-free wireless implantable device and extending the power transmission range.


29 maj 2023

Systems analysis for sustainability: Lessons from biogas solutions

Ämne: Miljömanagement och miljöteknik
Föreläsare: Roozbeh Feiz Aghaei, IEI
Tid: 13:15-14:00
Plats: ACAS, A-huset, Campus Valla

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

Contemporary societies face complex challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, and resource depletion. A viable solution lies in transitioning towards a sustainable biobased economy, which necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the sustainability implications of different proposed solutions. By adopting a broad perspective, we can identify effective and feasible development pathways while minimizing the risk of shifting problems from one area to another.

In this lecture, I will present my research on biogas solutions to showcase the practical applications of different systems analysis methods. These include methods such as mass and energy flow analysis, life cycle assessment, multi criteria analysis, and spatial analysis. They enable us to address questions regarding potential, feasibility, environmental impact, economic performance, and the overall sustainability of different development pathways. I will argue that through the study of biogas solutions, we can derive valuable lessons that are applicable to Sweden's broader transition towards a sustainable biobased economy. By the end of this talk, attendees will gain a better understanding of the importance of systems analysis in realizing sustainable solutions in Sweden and beyond.


26 maj 2023

Distributed Machine Learning over Wireless Networks: A Communications Perspective

Ämne: Elektro- och systemteknik med inriktning mot kommunikationssystem
Föreläsare: Zheng Chen, ISY
Tid: 14:15-15:45
Plats: Systemet, ISY, B-huset, Campus Valla

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

Collaborative machine learning (ML) from decentralized data has gained significant attention in both academia and industry in recent years. Its key characteristic lies in multiple agents/nodes collaboratively training a shared ML model, either through the coordination of a central parameter server or in a fully decentralized manner using peer-to-peer information exchange. However, distributed ML over wireless networks introduces new challenges due to communication resource limitations (such as frequency, time, and space) and channel uncertainty, which can greatly impact learning performance and training latency.

The first part of this talk provides an overview of important research directions in distributed ML over wireless networks. These include resource allocation design, the effect of asynchronous training, privacy and security issues, and energy efficiency. Specifically, the concept of Over-the-Air (OtA) computation will be introduced as an efficient method for data aggregation and distributed computation of functions over networked nodes. The application of OtA computation in federated learning will be presented, which leads to new research questions in terms of communication design and signal processing. Finally, the last part of the talk focuses on the impact of medium access control (MAC) layer design and communication topology on the performance of consensus-based decentralized ML systems.


9 maj 2023

Broad perspectives in environmental systems analysis and policy studies of biogas solutions

Ämne: Miljömanagement och miljöteknik
Föreläsare: Marcus Gustafsson, IEI
Tid: 10:15-11:00
Plats: ACAS, A-huset, Campus Valla

Abstract (finns bara på engelska):

Biogas solutions can contribute to addressing many societal challenges, including reduced climate impact, access to renewable energy, waste management and nutrient circulation. There are well-established technologies for producing and using biogas, and with the present geopolitical situation in Europe, self-sufficiency in energy and other resources is becoming a pressing issue. Yet, waste-based biogas is a largely unexploited resource, not least in Sweden where studies suggest a potential 5-7 times higher than the current production. However, it is not clear how this potential could be realized, especially with a policy framework that provides insufficient support and fails to acknowledge all the benefits that biogas solutions could bring.

In this lecture, I will talk about the importance of broad perspectives in the context of environmental systems analysis and policy studies of biogas solutions. This comprises the use of life cycle perspective when assessing environmental performance, as well as acknowledging the multi-functional and cross-sectoral aspects of biogas solutions when assessing the policy framework. I will bring up examples on the climate performance of biogas and present a model for analyzing the policy landscape of biogas solutions. Finally, I will go into the challenges of developing the Swedish biogas sector.


Gärna kvalitet, men först rejäl kompetens! Varför ett kompetensperspektiv behövs för att utveckla kvalitet i organisationer

Ämne: Industriell ekonomi med inriktning mot kvalitetsteknik
Föreläsare: Jason Martin, IEI
Tid: 15:15-16:00
Plats: ACAS, A-huset, Campus Valla, samt via Zoom:


Kombinationen av snabb teknikutveckling, hållbarhetskrav samt social förändring ställer allt högre krav på hur vi arbetar, leder och styr i organisationer. Organisationer prövas ständigt, kanske mest uppenbart i samband med kriser och uppkomna, oförberedda situationer. Frågan är hur forskning kan bidra till att stärka och stödja organisationer i hur dessa arbetar, leder och styr med bättre kvalitet i praktiken? Ett genomgående tema i min forskning fokuserar på kompetens och hur ett kompetensperspektiv kan bidra till ledning och styrning (eng. management) med bättre kvalitet i organisationer utifrån ett system- och processperspektiv.

I min docentföreläsning kommer jag att inleda med att redogöra för varför jag forskar, vilket primärt forskningsintresse jag drivs av och varför just kompetens intresserar mig så mycket. Jag kommer därefter att förklara vad kompetens är och varför sammanhanget och situationen är så viktiga för att förstå vilken kompetens som krävs i den dagliga ledningen och styrningen av organisationer. I denna del kommer jag även att utveckla varför kompetens är så avgörande i organisationers praktiska arbete med att utveckla bättre kvalitet i sina verksamheter och produkter med exempel där mina forskningsresultat hittills har bidragit till högre kvalitet och praktisk nytta i organisationer.

I den avslutande delen av föreläsningen kommer jag att utifrån ett kompetensperspektiv presentera pågående forskning kring fenomen som exempelvis distansledarskap med stöd av digitala verktyg, att leda utan att vara chef samt principer för organisatoriska lärandeprocesser i organisationer. Slutligen avrundas föreläsningen med en kort utblick på möjliga framtida forskningsplaner.


Tekniska högskolan vid Linköpings universitet