25 november 2024
Docentföreläsning i Materialvetenskap
Ämne: Robots and Artificial Intelligence – Paths Towards New Functional Materials
Föreläsare: Jesper Jacobsson, universitetslektor, IFM
Tid: Måndag 25 november kl. 13:15-14:00
Lokal: SH63, Studenthuset, Campus Valla
Abstract (Finns bara på engelska):
In this docent lecture, I will give an introduction for how generative artificial intelligence could be used to discover new functional materials. The lecture will also touch upon how we can use robots augmented with machine learning to accelerate the following exploration and development of the materials identified by using generative models.
7 oktober 2024
Docentföreläsning i Visualisering och medieteknik
Ämne: Learning to sample signals: theory, algorithms, and applications
Föreläsare: Ehsan Miandji
Tid: 13:15-14:00
Lokal: K1, Kåkenhus, Campus Norrköping
Sampling is the process of converting a real-world object, i.e. an analogue signal, into a digital object, to be stored and processed by a computer. As such, sampling and reconstruction of signals is at the heart of virtually any field in science and technology.
30 september 2024
Teknisk mekanik
Tid: Måndag 30 september kl. 13:15-14:00
Lokal: A35, A-huset, Campus Valla
Varför ska man kopiera de som är bäst inom sin idrottsgren? När man väl har lärt sig deras teknik så har de antagligen redan gått vidare. Vore det inte bättre att öka sin förståelse så att man kan ligga i framkant, istället för i svallvågorna? Med biomekaniska simuleringar som ett komplement till traditionella experimentella metoder finns möjligheten att få veta varför prestationen ökar, inte bara hur man ska göra för att öka sin prestation.
Idrott handlar inte bara om prestation. Idrott handlar även om hälsa. Det kanske är extra viktigt för atleter med funktionsnedsättning? Hur ska en sit-ski se ut för att förbättra prestationen, men samtidigt vara så skonsam som möjligt mot kroppen?
Alla personer är såklart inte atleter. Med biomekaniska simuleringar finns potential för att förbättra patienters livskvalitet. Medicinska implantat kan vara en stor hjälp för att kunna utföra vanliga dagliga aktiviteter såsom gång i trappor och att kunna ställa sig upp ifrån en stol.
I denna föreläsning kommer jag att visa grunderna i flerkroppsmekanik samt hur och varför vi behöver inkludera muskler i modellerna för att öka förståelsen om kroppens mekanik. Jag visar teorin bakom muskeloskelettära simuleringsmodeller som är baserade på Newton-Eulers rörelseekvationer, inversdynamik och statisk optimering. Denna metod tillåter helkroppsmodeller med hundratals muskler och stelkroppssegment av de flesta kroppsdelarna. Några tillämpningar inom idrott, hälsa och medicin presenteras.
19 augusti 2024
Exploring 3D vision: Parametrisation, Constraints and Solvers
Ämne: Docentföreläsning i Elektro-och systemteknik med inriktning mot datorseende
Föreläsare: Mårten Wadenbäck
Tid: 13:15-14:00
Lokal: Visionen - stora konferensrummet, B-huset, Campus Valla
Abstract (finns bara på engelska):
At the heart of geometric computer vision lies the classical task of
determining both scene geometry and the camera positions from
observations of putative point correspondences between views. Problems
of this class, often referred to as Structure from Motion, have been
studied since the late 19th century, and the more general of these
problems have simple and elegant solutions formulated using projective
geometry. In many practical situations, there may exist additional
constraints that should be imposed on the camera positions (e.g. due to
a motion model) or on the scene geometry, and it remains an active
branch of research how to construct solvers that incorporate and enforce
such constraints. In the present talk, I will start by providing an
accessible introduction to the topic, then proceeding to the role of
minimal solvers and parametrisations, and how one may use polynomial
constraints to enforce desired models. I will show several examples
where I have applied this technique to create minimal solvers for
various relative pose problems. Towards the end of the talk, I will
shift the focus to the challenges of identifying and expressing explicit
geometric constraints, and finish with some comments on open questions
in this direction. Welcome!
22 maj 2024
How and what do we learn from molecular visualizations in science?
Ämne: Visualisering och mediateknik
Föreläsare: Gunnar Höst
Tid: 15:15-16:00
Lokal: TP45, Täppan, Campus Norrköping
Abstract (finns bara på engelska):
Visualization holds a pivotal role in science learning, especially since so much of the content is imperceptible to the naked eye. Scientific models of the molecular world can be visualized using a multitude of visual, linguistic, and multisensory representations, ranging from images and animations to tangible models and virtual environments. In making sense of such representations, learners must leverage the properties of the visualizations into constructing knowledge of concepts such as molecules, cells and other objects and processes, which are otherwise too small to be seen. This lecture explores learners’ interaction, interpretation and learning in relation to science concepts represented by molecular visualizations. Learning will be discussed in relation to the analogical relationships between visual models and the communicated concepts from the perspectives of conceptual change, multisensory interaction with visualizations and anthropomorphism. I will provide examples of theoretical and methodological contributions to the field of science education, including presenting studies in educational contexts ranging from upper secondary school, university as well as informal learning contexts such as science centers. I will also describe how these findings might impact educational practice, visual communication and visualization design. The lecture will conclude by highlighting future avenues for research on visualization and learning.
26 april 2024
Dynamic Automation in Production: Practical implications of adaptable robotics
Ämne:Industriell produktion
Föreläsare: Marie Jonson
Tid: Fredag 26 april kl. 15:15-16:00
Lokal: ACAS, A-huset, Campus Valla
Abstract (finns bara på engelska):
Dynamic automation refers to the implementation of automated systems or processes that possess the capability to adapt and adjust their operations in response to changing conditions, requirements, or stimuli within their environment. Adaptable robotics in this context, denotes a specific subset of dynamic automation that focuses on robotic systems capable of adjusting their behavior, tasks, or configurations to suit changing conditions or requirements, thus increasing system resilience. This lecture explores the transformative role of adaptable robotics in modern production environments. Focused on the practical implications of dynamic automation, it elaborates on the principles of robotics and the evolving landscape of automation in manufacturing. Through case studies and practical examples, attendees gain insights into the design and implementation of dynamic automation systems capable of responding to evolving challenges and lower the threshold for automation in many applications and settings. The lecture also addresses key considerations and challenges in deploying adaptable robotics, offering a glimpse into future trends and opportunities in the field.
16 april 2024
From chemical functionalization to green chemistry of conjugated polymers
Ämne: Kemi
Föreläsare: Renee Kroon
Tid: 10:15-11:00
Lokal: K2, Kåkenhus, Campus Norrköping
Abstract (finns bara på engelska): Conjugated polymers are materials that, due to their unique chemical design, allow for interaction with electrons and photons. This property has given rise to the field of organic electronics that encompasses green technology such as solar cells and thermoelectric generators as well as wearable electronics.
With regards to the green design and synthesis of conjugated polymers, advances can still be made. Currently, most conjugated polymers are only processable from harmful organic solvents and are not designed for recycling. In addition, conjugated polymers are still synthesized from fossil fuel-based chemicals, while the selection of bio-based chemicals for conjugated monomer synthesis is not straightforward.
In this lecture, I will show how the enhancement of conjugated polymers with functional groups bestows properties such as mechanical reinforcement, water-solubility, and physical crosslinking on these materials and how these properties can be harnessed to create electroactive cellulose hybrids, which can be separated into the various components at end-of-life. With regards to the green synthesis of conjugated polymers, I will discuss what restrictions the established structural designs of conjugated polymers impose on the selection of bio-based platform chemicals and give examples of platform chemicals that can lead to bio-based conjugated monomers.